Couple from Devon

25 Sep 2003
Went down to my parents for 2 days, took a few shots and though I'd share since I've not done any photography for aaages.





I like number 2 more then number 1, but I wish the subject was leaning the other way. Number 3 is a great idea, but I find the backgroup a little over powering. The last one is good.
I really like those. Particularly the 3rd and if you have a bit of patience I would move the bird away from the rock against it's tail feathers and maybe blur the background a little more.

The last is a really nice capture but maybe needs a little more room to move into. It's looking right out of the edge of the frame. Also, maybe you could try flipping it horizontally as these kind of shots sometimes look better going left to right. I think it's something to do with the Western way of reading that we expect pictures to 'read' from left to right.
I presume the blurring on the Kite was done in post proccessing...? I think it's a bit OTT and maybe u should crop it a bit more coz it's not enough impact like it is.

I like all the photos there, good composition and well executed :)
Colin_da_Killer said:
I presume the blurring on the Kite was done in post proccessing...? I think it's a bit OTT and maybe u should crop it a bit more coz it's not enough impact like it is.

I like all the photos there, good composition and well executed :)

The blurring was due to the aperture being 2.8, no blurring added. I only desaturated a little colour from the sea so the hawk stood out better.
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