Couple from London

8 Jun 2005
London bridge is only around the corner from where I live, but in all honesty I can't stand the place, I do have a freezer full of Fuji T64 film, so thought i'd run a few 5x4s off around city hall.

I don't often get the chance to do anything at all these days, so was good to get the gear out and blow the dust off lol,


Yep I'm with you, I hate the place but you've made it look like somewhere I want to go again.

Love the colour and perspective. Was it really that quiet or did the exposure length get rid of the people?


There were people all over the damn place (this was midnight on a monday) exposure times were around 3.5 minutes. The pics have been reduced in size to such an extent that you can't see it - but in the full res tiffs there are plenty of quite obvious ghosts floating around, but mostly in the second pic.
Every time I see you post some 4x5s I get an irrational want for some LF kit!

It really is irrational :p

Time is limited with my 5x4 rig I'm afraid - no more film left to shoot with it, (they don't make Velvia 50 anymore) I have a big photography trip scheduled for September (boy I need it) and I'm debating whether to use the last of my Velvia there or switch to digital, also with a mind to getting back into proper wildlife photography again, I miss it badly..
Very nice :)

What filter have you used, if you don't mind me asking ?


No filters used at all - I simply use a type of film called Fuji T64 which has a very low colour temperature, this makes it suitable for nighttime, or indoor photography.
Ah, thank you

(Sorry for the n00b question) - so how do you manage such a long exposure ?

The camera I use is entirely mechanical, there's nothing electronic about it at all except my seconic light meter,

Basically I shoot in bulb mode with a cable release, and use the stopwatch action on my phone to record the exposure time :)
Well so far today I've been accused of partaking in a video with Freefaller which was no doubt obscene, and now V-Spec has been warned that I might spike his drink.

Not bad so far :p

rofl, :D

I have much love for these pics.


I might actually go down again tonight/tomorrow and give it another go if it's a nice evening, could look even better with a sky,
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