Couple of excellent new cases needed please

12 Jul 2004
Ok, about to put a new system together and rehouse my current one.

Current rig is in the sig, was thinking a Lian-Li v600 as my god the thing is beatiful, though the v800 also has massive appeal as it would sit nicely in my home cinema rack.

So first question, is there much to choose between the two, anyone have experience of either, or both?

Next up I'm about to put together a new gaming rig, conroe x6800, x1950 xfire, want to water cool the cpu and both cards so going to want 120.2 or .3 as I plan to clock them as far as I can.

Post with current spec is @

Second question is which case to fit it all, Silverstone Tj07, Lian-Li V1000 both appeal, as does the Gigabyte Aurora. Only two real stipulations are it's got to be pretty, I can't go with a stacker, and as small as possible. I'm think i've got no chance in hell of water cooling that lot in a matching v600.

Good points.

With the Lian-Li I don't mind mounting up top, but think I can remove the hard drive cages in the bottom, wonder how much room there is dpwn below from the front going back to the PSU. 120.2 would fit I think looking at the dimensions, not sure on a .3.
Could stick those Raptor's in a pair of Silentmaxx enclosures in the 5.25 bays then too.

Hmmph, I feel like I am scared of the TJ07 for both size and the fact that my TJ05 is a giant piece of crap that is going to be beaten to death with a hammer when I rehouse.
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