Couple of pics with Nikon 50mm f/1.8 this evening....

19 Oct 2002
Drat and double drat. The sun went away at 4PM, just as I was getting out of work. Beautiful day to crack open a new lense, and get snap-happy otherwise.... Crisp. Clear. Uber-fast Auto-Focus. And under £100 for a Nikkor Prime.

I called this one "Buzz". 1/500s exposure, ISO400 and f/2.8, at a gloomy 7.22PM. This is the full-size pic, just cropped to size. No saturation/colour/level changes, a brief 1-pass unsharp mask, and this is straight out of the camera.


And say hello to "Splash". 1/1250s, ISO800, f/1.8. I chucked a small rock up high, and pointed and clicked when it splashed down. I'm going to repeat this in sunlight....


Whilst not particularly great shots, the lense shows a lot of potential.....
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titchard said:
Both of these images to me are extremely noisy, but I am unsure if that is down to the JPEG compression.


They are noisy - high ISO levels combined with low light, and compressed to level 8 in Photoshop (you didn't want to download 3MB pictures, believe me....)

I'm holding out for some sun. Not much chance today though :(
As I mentioned, they are noisy (high ISO levels), but in the case of the bee, I like the effect it has on the blurred out background. I will be redoing the water splash, come a sunny day.

Oh well. It's chucking it down with rain here, so no nice bright shots, except for my boots....this is unsharpened, just cropped, and resized in PS. The dodgy red background is just a red screen behind the sofa I was lounging on, in between washing pigeon-poo off a tailplane, and going to lunch. I recieved my Nikon D50 Digital Field Guide (David D Busch) in the post at work today, so I spent most of the day reading, and fiddling......

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A.N.Other said:
He's trying.....

I am! New camera, new lenses, no more "point-and-shoot" :)

I welcome all your critiques - it WILL only make me a better photographer......

/reddeathdrinker scurries off to find out what "Chromatic Aberations" are, how they are caused, and how to prevent them......
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