Couriering Car Body Parts?

14 Jul 2005
I've sold the wings from the e36 on ebay and have to courier them to the buyer...just how do I go about doing it so that they don't get damaged. I have no forms of packaging for the size of them and haven't sent things via courier before.

Also I'm selling the alloys from the car (with tyres), can I just phone a courier and say "I've got 4 alloy wheels with tyres I want you to send to xx" once they have sold?

Any good couriers for these things?
I wasn't planning on it, or CityLink. :p

Need to know if they'll come with a crate to put them in or if they would expect me to do that, if they do, I'm stuffed.
I'm not aware of any couriers providing packaging on collection - you'll generally need to have everything packaged, labeled and ready to chuck into the back of the van
Being the operative word.


Alloys arent too bad - wrap them in something like this:

Wrap cardboard around them and they should be fine.

Body panels, you probably want to put them in a box big enough that no edge touches the sides, wrap it in bubble wrap and pad it out with something like this stuff:

Or just a load of fairly thick paper crumpled up

Problem is, wings aren't small!


I'm not spending another £40 on packaging, courier for alloys is going to likely be in the region of £50 as it is!

The wings sold for £25, I can't charge another £100 on top for courier!
If you wanted to do it on a budget, just wrap them thickly in bubble wrap and stick the label on that.

£50 to courier the wheels sounds like a lot, a friend paid £20, albeit a few years ago may be worth a look although I cant offer any personal experience with them
£35 from that place.

£100 insurance included...what, since when do alloys + tyres cost sub £100?

Bubble wrap does seem the easiest solution and isn't too expensive. To be honest if the wings get banged up a bit I can't be blamed...never said I'd courier the wings, just the winner asked me to. :p

Edit: Haha...£25 shipping per wing from them too. :p

I'll have a google about places like this, whilst I wait to see if others have experience with any specific company. :)
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If he's asking you to courier them, why dont you ask him to arrange the collection?

Too much hassle...

"safe nmate i bought these can u tell me the cvolour code?"

That wording sums him up perfectly I think. :p

Also I don't want to lose the sale, I need to get rid of the bits before 26th. :)
Jesus H Christ, please tell me thats not an actual quote from him?

Sounds like you might be right though - sometimes its quite a good way of doing things though, I've actually requested to do it as a buyer myself.

Doesnt sound like he's going to be too bothered if they pick up a little dent or 2, just do the best you can, remember to mark them as fragile and hope for the best
Jesus H Christ, please tell me thats not an actual quote from him?

Unfortunately it is. :( Does seem to have a decent enough rep from my googling. I've worked out each wheel should be just over 10KGs, so in two packages they are under the 25KG limit. Now I'm confused though...when they say "4 x Wheels and tyres up to 17" wheel diameter" is that the alloy or alloy+tyre size so you think?

Still trying to work out who would happily take the wings mind, at a price better than £20 per wing. :p
Still trying to work out who would happily take the wings mind, at a price better than £20 per wing. :p do a basic pickup under 25kg for under a tenner. They charge by volume, so i think thw wings should be okay. If they quote too high, just keep fudging the measurements and re-quoting until the right price shows up ;) :)

I sent sideskirts to Tom for £10 - so thats Essex to Manchester - result

Side skirts are smaller and lighter than wings. ;)

£50 from them.

I told him it'd cost around £40 due to the size and weight of the parcel...

"no probs mate,im just arranging to buy 2 doors for my mates scooby,which are in kent as well,if its o.k with you irll sort that out in the morning,then pick the wings up towards the weekend?cheers"

...I'm not sure he realises that Devon is NOT in Kent. :D
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