Covance, anyone?

23 Nov 2002
I was wondering if anyone has been to the medical testing with covance, they have a couple of oppenings, you basically go on a Saturday, stay the night, and leave Sunday with £230 :p

Also, I hope they test a new, better version of viagra on me.
There is a positive side to it! It might affect the other head and then I'll be more of a legend among girls than I am right now :cool:
basmic said:
No but the company you're going to is called Covance. :eek:

Well yeah I guess the animals are used in the first stages on the drug, we are at the very last where they only test for, hopefully, how long the drug stays in your body, heart rate, this and that.
basmic said:
I'm not trying to slam you here.

But I could never participate in those experiments, knowing that animals have suffered in such ways I have just seen.

Fair enough dude, it's a neccesity though, if we could created drugs that could be tested 100% on computer then sure, but till then...

G|mp said:
Monkeys have eyebrows :p

And flat noses, you want me to give you one? :p
Ug Ug :p

Phantom said:
I'd do it as long as it was:
- non genetic
- i knew it was a placebo :)

Why would they test a placebo :confused:

Moredhel said:
Well, I doubt they're going to be using you for LD50 testing, but stuff could still go wrong. No doubt you'll be signing all kinds of legal documents before you start, I'd recommend reading them before signing. :)

I mean, there has been just one case in all these years of testing, surely I can't have such a bad luck! :o
HumanShield said:
a friend of mine did it in leeds a couple of years ago. spent a week there, and had to go back a couple of times after. then they gave him a grand. He used the time to study, and aparently they have things like big tvs, ps2s etc.

He had no side affects by the way, completely normal!

Yeah that's the one in Leeds, I am thinking that if I spend 9 days there, not only will I study, but they will give me around £1800! That's enough to go skydiving:D By the way do they tell you what sort of drugs you are getting? i.e. are they gonna say that this drug when it comes out it will treat such and such things.
basmic said:
Out of interest, why not test on prisoners and immigrants with a criminal likelihood?

I assume you mean forcing them, in which case it would be a breach of their human rights, surely.
basmic said:
At the end of the day, they're worthless to the society when banged in prison, or even in home - either one, they're likely to be sponging from our society.

So why not get something back from them? Chances are, many prisoners use drugs and substances anyway.

Because you can't force them to do something that could potentially harm them, it's just not right dude. If they agree to be tested for a lesser sentence or some economical gain then alright but not without their agreement.
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