Cover versions that improve the original

18 Oct 2002
I used to post here
Just me or do these seem few and far between? I'm talking about proper ones rather than punk covers of 60/70/80s songs :p

The only one I can really think of is Dead Souls by Nine Inch Nails (Joy Division cover). It keeps the darkness of the original intact but somehow makes it more stompy and angry :)

Any others that I should check out?
Re: Re: Cover versions that improve the original

Originally posted by CaPtBlaCk
NoooooooOoooo way!!

NIN not even in the same league as Joy Division. IMHO Joy Division were one of a kind and nothing comes even close.

As for a cover version, how's about Anvil and Paint It Black? :D

Don't get me wrong I like the JD version too! It's just there's something more stompy and danceable about the NIN version that I prefer. I think Joy Division are a better band than NiN/Trent, but I just prefer the treatment of that one song :p
Originally posted by Delta
i like it, maybe because it is different to the others - i dont know, have you seen the video for it? If you've seen the end and then think of the lyrics..its a bit odd imo..

why oh why didnt i think of that one too?? :)

another one for the list, Godheads cover of Eleanor Rigby (i alwys getting shouted at by die-hard beatles fans for this one :) )

I bought the Godhead album on the strength of that track. It's probably one of 2 tracks that standout for me :p
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