Coverflow 'issue' - or am I being stupid?

24 Feb 2008
I've just got a new Nano, slapped on loads of albums... and for some reason, when I use coverflow, instead of showing 1 cover per album.. it seems to be showing a cover for EVERY track on my ipod?!

I'm pretty meticulous about tagging my MP3s, so i'm sure that they have all be tagged correctly (album name, track name, track number etc).

How 'should' coverflow display covers exactly?

Something that may be worth noting, is that most of my albums are compilations (Ministry Of Sound etc etc), so every track has a different artist... but I assumed that Coverflow just went by Album name!?

I've looked into the 'This is part of a compilation' tick box in iTunes, but from what i can see, all that does, it prevent the track from being listed in the 'artist' section...?

Anyway - appreciate any help on this!
Yeah it's not that. Each track in a given album has the same cover (as expected), but if i go into coverflow, instead of showing a single cover with the title "MOS - The Annual 2008" it'll show the cover about 40 times, which separate track titles underneath!
Actually, i just found this, and will probably give these a try:

HowTo: Grouping Tracks Into Albums

Excuse the long post, but hopefully covering all the bases (that I can think of) will help you fix the other issues you are likely to run into as you try to organise your iTunes library.

Use an album friendly view
iTunes will let you sort music on many columns, some of which are unlikely to group albums together or put the tracks in their normal order. The most useful order for editing the library is probably Album by Artist. If you're not already there, select the list view and click on the column heading for Artist until it reads Album by Artist.

One cover, too many tracks
The iPod (and iTunes to a lesser extent) conflates two or more albums with the same title, most obviously with Greatest Hits. On the iPod this can result in one album acting as a combination of two or more. Selecting any cover gives all the tracks of all albums with the same title. The workaround for this "Greatest Hits" bug is to give each album a unique title - I tend to go for Album - Album Artist as this reads clearly in the iTunes browser. Alternatively you could use the wording as it appears on the cover or append different numbers of spaces for each different album. Somewhat oddly, setting different values for Sort Album doesn't work.

Album not with others by same artist
iTunes relies on the Gracenote CDDB database when identifying CD's. This often marks collections or anthologies of an artist's work as a compilation. In iTunes, however, the compilation flag has the logical function of grouping together tracks with the same album name, but different artists on each track, e.g. "Now That's What I Call Metal 666!". These compilations are then all grouped together at the end of cover flow. Most of us however, would expect "Greatest Hits" albums to be listed with the other albums by the same album artist. For albums which are essentially by a single album artist or group it is best to set the appropriate value for the album artist and clear the compilation flag.

One album, too many covers
For true compilations, where each track is by a different artist, the answer is to set the compilation flag to true and enable the iTunes preference to Group compilations when browsing. Otherwise tracks which list guest artists will be treated as separate items. Filling in the Album Artist field is enough to link things in iTunes. Sadly, however, the iPod ignores the Album Artist field when grouping albums so this is only a partial solution. You can simply mark the entire album as a compilation which seems to be the way iTMS handles it, however that's not an ideal fix. Short of waiting for Apple to address this issue (and as far as I can tell it goes back to the 1st gen. of iPods) we need a workaround. What I do is to put any additional artist info. in square brackets after the song name. E.g. Track [Feat. Guest] and then set Artist=Album Artist for each track. For anthologies where the Album Artist is credited as part of another group, e.g. for Cream tracks on an Eric Clapton anthology, I use Track [As Group]. For a track where the main Album Artist doesn't receive a credit, e.g. the first track of the Slim Shady LP credited to Jeff Bass, I just set the track name to Track [Guest] while still setting the artist to the album artist. N.b. I use square brackets to indicate this is not part of the actual song title and also use this style for Mix/Live/Bonus info.

One album, still too many covers
iTunes may split albums into two or more sections if some tracks from the album have different values for Artist, Album Artist, Album, No. of Discs or Part of a Compilation. Tiny differences such as trailing spaces, accented characters or variants of symbols can sometimes be quite hard to spot. The iPod is also more sensitive to case variations and may split or reorder an album that looks okay in iTunes. Normally overtyping the desired value for each shared field will complete the grouping of the album into one entity. Occasionally, however, this method seems to fail. When this happens I've found that you can force every field to update properly by adding some extra text - e.g. a trailing X, which once applied seems to complete the joining of the tracks into one album. Once this has happened the extra data can be removed and the album should remain properly grouped.

Tried that, there are STILL too many covers!
The Sort Artist, Sort Album & Sort Album Artist fields can be used to override the normal sort order. For example iTunes automatically drops leading articles (a/an/the) so "The Beatles" are arranged under "B" instead of "T". Occasionally different tracks from the same album can have different values in these sort fields which can also break up the grouping. Making the sort columns visible in iTunes can help with spotting & correcting such problems.

One cover for multi-disc album
Multi-disc albums are often listed as Album (CD1) for CD 1, Album (CD2) for CD 2 etc. To display these properly using just one cover, each disc should have the correct Disc X of Y values set, and then the entire album should be given the single title Album. Being somewhat obsessive I also renumber the tracks sequentially, working backwards from the last track (so that no two tracks ever have the same number) until I reach disc 1. BTW You can still give the individual discs different artwork should it be relevant so that the correct artwork will be displayed as the album progresses.

One artist, many names
With some artists, particularly classical composers, you should be aware of alternative representations of their names. E.g. 2Pac vs. Tupac. The menus will work best if for each artist you standardise on just one form of their name. E.g. make a choice between Mozart, W.A. Mozart or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and then apply it consistently. For classical music I tend also to use the Composer as the Artist & Album Artist and either discard the performer details or place these into the Comments field.
Okay I've cracked it :D

- Made sure any tracks in an a multi-artist album had the 'Part of a compilation' tick box checked (this prevents it from showing separate tracks in Coverflow).

- Made sure the above albums have the 'Album artist' field filled (if you don't fill it in, iTunes just puts 'various artists' in there - which is fine, but for compilations like: Ministry of Sound, Hed Kandi, Creamfields etc, I've put in the respective 'label' name).

All sorted! Huzzah! Now i don't have to use crappy playlists any more and everything appears normally :D

EDIT 1: All this was in iTunes, but I just realised that the iPod handles tracks differently (ignores the 'Album artist' field?) - i'll test it on my 4G Nano later, hopefully it'll work.......

EDIT 2: Well i've re-synced my 4G Nano... no more duplicate covers in Coverflow.. but it seems that it doesn't bother using the "Album Artist" field.. so even my Ministry of Sound / Hed Kandi albums etc, still appear as "Various Artists" which is actually pretty lame :|
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