Covering letters - Opening Gambit

8 Feb 2004

I have never had any trouble writing covering letters in terms of matching my skills and experience to the job description while attempting to convey my enthusiasm for the position, all underscored with some personality (at least I think/hope so!), but, I have always struggled with the opening few sentences of preamble that are required before jumping in, so to speak. In the past, I have usually started by stating that after careful consideration of the job desription along with a reflection on my skill set and desire to work for XYZ believe that I would be a strong candidate for the position... This feels really clunky however, lacking in creativity, and just very generic... I would imagine the opening few lines are some of the most important so I really don't want to fall at the first hurdle so to speak.

I would love to hear some recommendations on what people think is an impactful way to start a covering letter. Likewise, I am sure there are people here involved in recruitment so it would be great to hear there thoughts on those important first 50 words or so. The reason I ask is because I have been approached to apply for a 'dream position' that would be a big step up for me. I really want to give it my all.

Thanks for your time and reply.
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