COVID or BREXIT tax on used car prices?

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
Admittedly I’ve not been tracking used car prices for the last 8 or so years, but I’m shocked to see the asking price of some cars now a days.

I understand that quite a few people sold their car or second car during lockdown and that car parts maybe in short supply with production shutting down.

But I think that the main price raise is caused by the lack of sales of new cars during the two years of lockdown.. people didn’t drive anywhere so they are willing to hold on their cars for a further year or two, more people working for home now, so there’s less of a dependence of a reliable car.. and companies not trading in the 3 year old company cars. Could the prices return back to normal in 2/3 years?

Or is it down to Brexit? Before I joked that places like Cuba looks romantic with all the old cars but they have old cars as they don’t have trade deals and it’s far too expensive to import new cars so they have to keep the old ones running.. I’m not sure it there’s a brexit impact on the car market or if it’s even hit yet..
Post COVID is when prices got silly. Brexit didn't seem to have an impact. But we've also pretty much had another global financial crash thanks to one bell end in Russia.
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Car parts supply chain fell apart off the back of covid lockdowns, particularly in China. Parts were then being prioritised to new car manufacture and even then delivery times ballooned for them, so people were looking at 2nd hand cars as an alternative.

It’s also had a knock on impact on car repair times and costs (one of the reasons insurance prices have shot up).
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