Right, i've uploaded the vBulletin folders and have got to the install page via
Now, I can get to the stage 2 (connecting to the database), but with the config.php file left as 'localhost', I get the following error:
Attempting to attach to database
Connect failed: unexpected error from the database.
Error number: 1044
Error description: Access denied for user: '******@localhost' to database '*****'
Please ensure that the database and server is correctly configured and try again.
Now, I'm using a host called TSOHOST, and use cPanel within this hosting package. I have set up a MySQL database and chosen my database name, username and password. These are duplicated within the config.php, so I'm guessing i've done it right.
BUT, if I alter the servername from 'localhost' to something like 'TSOHOST', i get the following error at Stage 2
Attempting to attach to database
Error description: mysql_connect(): Unknown MySQL Server Host 'tsohost' (1) /home/*****/public_html/includes/class_core.php on line 279
The database has failed to connect because you do not have permission to connect to the server. Please confirm the values entered in the 'includes/config.php' file.
However, looking in my MySQL area of cPanel, there is a section under the choosing of passwords and users, etc that says 'Access Hosts' = 'localhost' - So, i'm really quite confused!
Can anyone help?