CPL, how to use

1 Jul 2007
I know this is a very silly and amateur advice but how can you tell how much a CPL is turned on (ooh matron) without looking through the view finder?

I've just received a hoya pro1 digital. It has a small white arrow just before the writing and a twice indentations on the outside of the frame, both to me could be a clue to the "all off/all on" position.

Anybody able to shed some light on it?
Really, the only way to use a CPL is to look through the viewfinder because the effect is highly dependable o the polarization of light Tou will get wildlify different results in the middle of the day in the desert than an overcast gloomy day in the jungle.

Simply rotate the out ring until you get your desired result and click the shutter. Job done.
If you want you can check the image review, scan the sky to make sure it is even and not too dark.

I thought this was the case as al4x said nothing seems to line up with anything.
Just reading before guides to CPL were talking about quarter turns, half turns or 30%, 60% etc so thought there might have been something to indicate when things were off.
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