CPU Fan running quicker at idle than when playing.

23 Apr 2014
I built my PC today and since now it has been working fine.

After leaving it for a few hours off, I came back to turn it on and the CPU Fan is running at a concerning speed for my PC being idle. Thermal paste has been applied, the CPU was running around at 40 degrees celsius and the fan was at around 1400 RPM. After thinking nothing of it, midway through game it sounded like the fan was beginning to take off.

Resetting the PC makes it do similar. Earlier, it was near silent when idle and a little noise when gaming however now it is a constant loud noise.

The only things changed since earlier when it was fine is a BIOS update, however I have reset to defaults and put silent fan and it's still making the loud noise.

Every few minutes it will slow down for a second or so and speed up again.

Is there any suggestions as to what it could be?

I will attempt that however Raijintek mentioned that it could have been the BIOS update and said that I should take the fan off the PWM connector and link it to a 3 pin one.

Does this sound like it may help?
Is my best bet trying to resit it? or is there anything else it could be causing it?

I had to remove the back fan from a socket since the third one is slightly under the heatsink and had to get to without possibly knocking something so I didn't want to risk it.

After connecting it to one of the SYS_* fan sockets the noise has stopped. It seems that the BIOS update may have caused the problem with the CPU socket. Is there a way to fix this so I can put the fan back into the CPU socket? As I am currently running it in a system socket with the back fan not plugged.

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Back flash your bios to one that worked. Any particular reason you updated your bios ?

Did this earlier today and it worked, fan is a lot more quiet now but not as much as it was before. However, it's a lot better.

I updated it as I was having problems with a keyboard not receiving any power at all, but I think it's faulty so I've set up a return.

Thanks for the help.
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