CPU & Motherboard upgrade

22 Sep 2019
Looking to replace my motherboard and existing CPU and would like some of your opinions on what is optimal for my machine. Existing specs are as follows:
CPU: i5 6400k 3.2ghz
GPU: 1070
RAM: 16 gb ddr4
Motherboard: some scuffed HP board called 828A
PSU: 550W

My GPU is good enough for me but my CPU bottlenecks on every game. As my motherboard is pretty trash I guess I would need to upgrade this in order to support a better CPU. I was thinking of an i7 for a replacement and am looking to spend about £400-£500. Thanks in advance guys.
15 Apr 2019
Try to get the MSI B450 Tomahawk MAX rather than the non-MAX version. The MAX version is compatible with 3rd gen Ryzen CPUs out of the box, whereas the non-MAX version will require updating its BIOS before you can use a 3rd gen Ryzen CPU.
1 Dec 2015
Would check your case, the HP mobo looks mATX . is your case ATX sizing as if not, you'll have to return the board for mAX verison

also, whats PSU..... is its all a HP system, then theres NO 8 PIN CPU . AMD version of the board has 4 pin but yeah - without knowing if your PSU has that 8 pin then board/cpu isn't going to work

if its a stand along unit like Corsair that you chucked in, should be fine as they'll have an 8 pin on there for the CPU along with 24 PIN for the mobo.

If your ram is 2133hz which im guessing it is. your Ryzen cpu will be worse then what your replacing it with. slap in from 3000hz - find cheapest you can get
22 Sep 2019
On CPU-Z it says my NB Frequency is 3200MHz ish, and underneath in my DRAM frequency it is around 1060 MHz. I do not have the original PSU, I upgraded that like a year ago so it does have up to 8 pins for the cpu. If the motherboard doesn't fit my case I'll just buy a new one. My current one is quite small.
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
@Ocean_Dan my bad for not checking the case size first. Automatically assumed it was ATX. If you want to save money by not changing the case, you can get the msi b450 mortar max instead. This is an matx board. Has everything that the tomahawk has...
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