CPU - RAM Compatability/Overhead

15 Nov 2019
Hi, I have some knowledge, a dangerous thing and have built a few average PC'. I'm now building a gaming based PC to use purely for video editing. What I need to know please is can I have or benefit from overhead.
What I mean is if my RAM is DDR4 2400mhz must I have a CPU that handles 2400mhz or vice versa giving me overhead (extra capacity although unused)? Or put another way does the RAM run slower i.e. 2200 to comply with a 2200 CPU? (overhead!).
Any offerings greatly appreciated, thanks.
Well, given how CPUs downclock (unless you run them on static clockspeed) to 800MHz etc when idling and the RAM speed remains higher than that, no issues either.

Would just add that ideally you need to find a good pairing to get best performance. These days meaning faster than 3000MHz RAM for Intel and especially AMD CPUs.

I'm sure an experienced overclocker like 8-Pack or others could go into more detail about tuning but that's basically it.
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