CPU Speed query

10 Jan 2011
Firstly im sorry if this is the wrong place. Ive been having a problem with my pc for the last couple of months and ive put if off till now.

When i first start my pc it loads to the desktop fine but then gets really slow and sluggish untill i restart and then everything works normaly if i then restart my pc again its back to being slow till i restart it again.
so every 2nd boot my pc is really slow

I checked task manager today and cpu speed varies roughly between 2.27 and 3.90 GHz (idle)

After i restart and look at task manager my cpu speed suddenly drops after a few seconds to 0.40 GHz and stays there untill i restart again and its back to 2.27 - 3.90 GHz. any idea whats causing this?

My pc specs are ''Titan Wave'' ordered on 26 Nov 2015
i7-5820k @ 4.00 Ghz
16GB DDR4 2400MHz
Gigabyte X99M-Gaming 5 MATX Motherboard
SuperFlower 650W Power Supply
Samsung 250GB SSD
OcUK Techlabs 240mm AIO Liquid Cooler
what power profile in windows are you running? it sounds like you may have the power saver option selected, if so have you tried swapping to the balanced or high performance options?
Hi there

Sorry to hear of this issue, usually you should drop a thread in the systems support forum.

However from what you have said it seems that there could possibly be a program running in the background which is causing this problem.

Also make sure you check your temperatures with CoreTemp to see what the system is running at.

The cpu speed will vary through speed step :)

Let me know

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My power plan setting is set to high performance already

CoreTemp shows all my temps are in the 30's

Using Task Manager i see i have 36-40 background processes running. how can i tell which 1 is may be causing this?
Have you got Speedstep turned on in the BIOS? That would vary the CPU speed. Have you checked the CPU utilisation s well as it's speed?
Also I would check in CPU-Z to check the actual usage of the CPU.

Task Manager is not always accurate.

To clarify when i first boot my pc in the morning after a few seconds i see in task manager my cpu speed drop from 2/3 Ghz to just 0.40 Ghz and it stays at that
speed making any programs (like firefox) open slow new tabs open slowly too, even the right click menu on desktop takes seconds to load and so does the start menu.
If i restart my pc then it works perfectly with programs/menus/tabs opening near instantly and my cpu speed back upto 2/3 Ghz but if i have to shutdown or restart my pc
the cpu speed goes down to 0.40 Ghz once again so every other boot theres a problem

ive just restarted again and with my cpu speed at 0.40 Ghz utilisation is 1%-2% the highest process is Smilnfo (32 bit) at 1.1%
then there are 9 or 10 at 0.1% and the rest at 0%

This is with my pc running slow

and this is after a restart

i see that the multiplier is different why would that be?
As built by OCUK, the max CPU speed is 4GHz, so with the Base clock (Bus speed in CPU-Z) at 100MHz that gives a multiplier of 40.

When the machine is idle, if you've got Intel Speedstep enabled, then the multiplier will decrease - in this case to 800MHz (an 8x multiplier).

This is perfectly normal, but it doesn't explain why you're getting poor performance. I would have thought it should have dropped down to a 12x multiplier, not 8x though.
this is the effect of intel speed step and normally happens when windows has completely finished booting, with no backgound apps running. your cpu will downlock to its lowest speed in order to save power. my cpu does exactly the same thing, what happens is, when you open a program up like Firefox or lets say one of your games, the cpu core speed will go up to cope with increased load.
are you saying that the multiplier never increases when you run other programs ?
in example A (the first screen shot) the multiplier stays at 8x and doesnt go up

in example B (after i restart) the multiplier changes from 12x to 40x which i understand is normal

but if i restart my pc a 2nd time then it stays at 8x, restart a 3rd time and its back at 12x - 40x and so on.
If i use the ''Sleep'' option instead of shutdown/restart this doesnt happen and the multiplier stays at 12x - 40x so basically i cant shutdown or restart my pc without having to restart it again once its booted because the multiplier gets stuck at 8x everyother boot
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What happens if you run cinebench when its booting only at "8x", keep cpu-z open and watch what happens while you run it.
Also take a look at disk utilisation on startup it may be that your disk(s) is or are taking an initial hit and the CPU is just waiting. I had this with a game changed the particular disk to an SSD and problem solved.
What happens if you run cinebench when its booting only at "8x", keep cpu-z open and watch what happens while you run it.

i restarted and ran the test with 8x mutiplier my cpu scored 93 and the mutiplier didnt change

restarted again and scored 1174 with a 40x mutiplier
I found a solution to 0.40GHz

When my i7 5820k started dropping to 0.40GHz after every second reboot, I have done lots of things. What worked form me was disabling Intel(R) Management Engine Interface in the Device Manager (System Devices).

Everything else failed:
  • BIOS changes to S3/S6 etc power modes
  • Disabling speed step, CPU power management, etc.
  • Drivers update
  • New power supplier
  • Fairy dust, magic spells and what not, etc

I run Windows 10. BTW, after Inter driver updates you might need to disable it again. Do not uninstall as it will be reinstalled on reboot.

Let me know if this works for you too.

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