I dont believe in some of the extreme tests that get used, I try to be realistic, and also keep the stress heat down.
Usually I do the following.
cinebench bench first, least stressful. 3 runs.
intel XTU tool, I run benchmark, then I run stress, in my view the benchmark is actually the bigger stress as it is AVX, but its not pure AVX solid load, it will go in and out of load unlike prime AVX. Intel xtu also nice as it gives indicators if any throttling is happening, and the power been pushed through the chip. The stress provides pure continuous load but isnt AVX. Do at least 3 runs of each, I use 1 minute duration for stress,
Then the asus realbench tool, 15 minute duration.
Also after this I will do ram stress tests as well. hci memtest and karhu ram tester, at least 1 hour runs of each.
Cant say for sure this will absolute be 100% certainty you stable, but I have never had a crash when using PC when all these pass, only sometimes years later after cpu degradation. I have even done some cpu based encoding since and the config is stable as well.