CPU upgrade worth it?

6 Apr 2018
Hi all,

First post for me. Been gaming on racing sims for a couple of years now (PC/PC2/AC/Dirt Rally) and currently questioning my current set-up:

i5-4590 @ 3.3GHz, Haswell 1150 LGA
Gigabite H81M-S2H motherboard
GTX1060 3gb
8gb RAM DDR3
22" IPS monitor

I can run most of the games on high settings (average, some ultra, some lower). I understand that I have an old gen processor. What would be the best upgrade here? My GPU is only 6 months old, have the PC for around 3 years now. I'd like to run a bigger monitor,, maybe 1440p, but stay single screen.

Run taskmanager and check the performance graphs after you've played a bit to see if your RAM/CPU/GPU are maxed out. Upgrade the one limiting you.
You probably don't want to hear you should upgrade your GPU....

Whats your budget?
Press ctrl+shift+Esc or right click on the task bar at the bottom and choose "Task Manager". Click on "More details" then the "performance" tab. It'll show you a graph of how much work your CPU has been doing, how much memory is in use, and if you're running windows 10, various info about your GPU.
It will also on the "processes" and "details" tabs show you how much resource each program is using.
Ah, just what I feared, that I'd need to upgrade the lot. A few more months saving is in order then! At least I'm getting decent performance at 1080p with what I have at the moment.
Thanks for the replies. I'll run a few games this afternoon with task manager. I assume I can just leave it running in the background at check it out afterwards?
Task manager shows CPU load graph for short time, so you have to play some heavy part of game and then switch to task manager.

Increasing monitor resolution increases only load of GPU, so getting new monitor wouldn't need upgrading CPU.
So I ran task manager on PC2. CPU sits at around 65-70%, GPU at around 70-75% although it spikes to 90%+ when I watch the replays of races. RAM wise, around 6gb typically.
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