CPU Usage Stutter Issues

2 Feb 2012
Newcastle UK
Having some issues with my CPU it’s an i5 2500k 3.3 @ 4.4, I recently installed an 980 and upgraded my ram from 8gb to 16gb. I have also started using an external usb soundcard (not sure this will impact tbh but thought I would share)

When in game the game begins to lag and stutter, I've checked my windows process list when this happens and the CPU usage of the game seems to fluctuate from 70-100% usage which I believe is causing the stuttering.

Any advice on getting this sorted, I've been told it could be a bottle necking issue?
I've tried switching my ram to the 1 and 3 slots, as they were in 2 and 4. Played a couple of games last night (Battlegrounds and Golf with Friends) and it seemed ok. Will do some further testing tonight.

I will check out my shadowplay settings, they should just be on default since I reformatted and re-installed.

Went onto PlayerUnkowns Battlegrounds to test and managed to get my first solo win, so whatever I've done, it's worked! :D
So the issue occured again last night while playing Golf with Friends. I also noticed an issue earlier while playing battlegrounds where my usb mic stopped working(not sure if the two could be related, mobo issue perhaps?)

Going to try putting my old RAM back in to rule that issue out. What's weird is it seems to only occur after a period of time.
Convinced it was related to the soundcard, but after unplugging it and reverting back to onboard sound, the issue occurred again during a game of Battlegrounds.

I guess it’s going to have to be process of elimination to find out what’s causing it.
Your along the right lines, just keep changing things back (I realise that's a pain) until the issue goes away.
If it STILL doesn't then its driver related.
So I tried the 560 last night, and the lag seemed to subside albeit my fps was lower than with the 980.

I removed my OC and set it back to 3.3 with the 980, so it was still at 3.3 when testing the 560.

Next test will be to put the 980 back in but maybe lower my OC slightly too 4.0, thoughts?
Just an update. Things have been pretty steady since I've dropped my Overclock down to 4.0, I have also removed a few things from my autorun list. But I think it will be more down to the OC change than anything else.
It sounds like it wasn't happy with your OC, I have seen cases of stutter when basically it is having to recover from errors being generated (Run something like OCCP to test)

I hope you find a happy medium :(
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