Crash Bungs

29 Jan 2007
Ritefast HQ
For people that may know about these things last year i unfortunately dropped the bike with one of the crash bungs being slightly scuffed (thread and everything is fine as it was when i was parking it up) want to replace it just for an aesthetics point of view and was wondering is it necessary to buy these so called designer bobbins from the likes of r&g or gilles or would just getting some cheapos from ebay for 30£ do?
I'm not sure ide even bother replacing it if all you've done is scuff it up a little, a lot of hard plastics can be polished, as can ally/SS obviously, buuut that being said, if your dead set on replacing it, you get what you pay for.

If there's one thing i won't scrimp on it's protecting my engine, to my mind, el cheapo crash bungs are worse than useless because they give you a false sense of security.
The cheap crash bungs fail regularly (bolts snap, plastics break off, threads are wrong for the application etc).

I would either go for R&G or not bother at all. A low speed drop could knacker your engine casing if the cheap bungs aren't properly spaced or strong enough.
I've just ordered Lust Racing ones for £60 notes. Did see loads fo cheapo ones from Hong Kong but decided R&G, Lust or nothing. The only reason I got Lust Racing weas they had red and white writing... however theirs are designed to bend in a crash, not snap off. At the end of the day, I'm using them to simply stop smashing in the event of a drop, more than a crash... in a crash, I'm more concerned about me, not the bike.

If the crash bung is actually fine (unscrew and check the bolt it's on), then if it's only for asthetics, just leave it be... proves they've worked lol. Don't go cheap!
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