A muscle free flap is what I had. Very clever stuff...microsurgical procedure to re-connect the veins and arteries. They kept it under a warm air bag for two days to ensure good circulation and prevent flap failure, which is basically a disaster. The first 48 hrs of a free flap is crucial to its success as anastomoses bed in.
My donor site was anterolateral thigh; will be interesting to see where they harvest the muscle if they do decide you need a free flap. I have a numb area at the donor site too.
Leg looks like this now...
...so not pretty, but functionally - much better. My limp has all but gone now and the atrophied calf muscle is vastly bigger. I need another two ops; 1. (general anaesthetic) to lipo the tissue to contour it better and 2. (local anaesthetic) to reduce the loose skin that will result. Then I can hopefully forget the operations (i.e. avoid infections) and continue to concentrate on getting my leg back to normal.
Anyway - glad things are working out for you. I take it sensation is nil at the skin graft sites? I'm only curious because I only have deep tissue sensation at my muscle graft sites. Have you tried bending your leg whilst touching the exposed tendon?