
28 Dec 2002

Just thought i would share some pictures of my best mates car after his little brother decided to take it out for a spin while he was away working in london, and totalled it.

He had only owned it 4 weeks and only driven it 4 times in total before it was crashed.


See if you can guess what kind of car it is. Il post the rest of the pictures of it after weve had some guesses, cant post the rest because the badge would give it away.


Yeah he'd have a fat collar if he was mine too. Best thing about it him and the passenger only got a police caution for it.

JRS said:
What happened? Did a twig hit it or something?
:p :D

He overtook a car on a left hand bend and swung back in to avoid on coming traffic. He had paniced tho and he caused the car to roll with him swinging back in too fast. He must have really yanked that wheel back to the left fast.
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fatiain said:
Did they walk away from it?

Yeh the passenger only had a few bits of glass in his head, so nothing life threatening, they just pulled them out and that was that.

The driver on the other hand seriously damaged his arm. Metal pins, false bone, and skin grafts to fix it. Still not 100% better but its a lot better than it was.
Scottland said:
Ouch, hope he's ok after it though. I'll bet your mate will be taking his keys with him in future! :p

How old was the lad that crashed it btw?

Yeah i dont think hes daft enough to leave them hanging around again in a hurry. Then again i dont think his brothers daft enough to try it again..

The driver and passenger were 18.

MonkeyMan said:
Slammed the door too hard? :p

Looks nasty, how does he stand with insurance? Is he going to get anything back for it?

Insurance paid him out last week after 5 months of waiting for police reports etc.

When he crashed it he took out about a 100 foot section of railway fencing, maybe more, that was reinforced concrete posts with large metal bars between the posts, obviously he didnt totally remove the fence but he caused so much damage to it, it needed to be replaced. He also totally demolised a bus stop, and came to rest when he hit the railway bridge.
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Enfield said:
I think he learnt his lesson though to be fair.

That wreckage literally made me say "**** me!" out loud, that is well and truely is buggered. :(

I have no sympathy for the guy who took your mates car though. Was he insured? I'm assuming he didn't have the owners consent too.

Nope he wasnt insured, he doesnt even hold a license, not even a provisional.

He certainly didnt have consent, the first my friend knew of him driving the car was when his gf rang him to tell him his brother was in hospital and that his car was totalled
Scottland said:
Has he had any problems with insurance?

i.e. Was his brother covered etc?

Edit: Never mind, just answerd. Glad it's been sorted now, whats he replacing it with?

Hes got a renault kangoo van at the minute for work i dont think he intends on replacing it.

Partly because his insurance has gone through the roof. Hes paying just under 1700 a year on the 1.9 diesel kangoo, Third party only :eek:
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