Crashday - server down?

It's good when you get the right group of people to play against. It's let down by those who just want to cheat tho, especially in the wrecking matches. But Hold the Flag is great fun.

BTW - Other people are experiencing difficulty connecting to the master server too. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
I was playing a wrecking match a few days ago and one guy thought he was clever by hitting the Recovery key every time I was about to hit him, so his car would automatically be recovered and appear again to his position a few seconds earlier, sometimes behind me. You are only supposed to use the auto recovery when your car is overturned or stuck.

Also, people whose cars are almost wrecked blow themselves up so people can't win any points by wrecking you.

If you want a laugh, get a mate online and both of choose the Wrecker. Stay near your opponents starting point (and recovery postion), when your opponents car appears just keep hitting him with guns and missiles and he won't be able to move, he'll just keep blowing up and reappearing in the same spot:D
Good for the first 10 mins.
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