Crashed the bike and have some spare time ...

13 Nov 2007
Crashed the bike, had 5 days in the hospital and now have some spare time on my couch with the happy pills ...

I can't sit comfortably at my desk for for any length of time yet or I'd be playing a few games (Next week hopefully :D). As the saying goes, The devil makes work for Idle hands and with all that time to browse I now find that I have booked a few track days for next year, earliest bookings I ever did ... the Missus aint too impressed :(
Hope you're ok OP!

Don't envy you though, I was climbing the walls after 13 weeks off when I had mine in 2008 - was actually glad to be going back to work :D

Couldn't sit for about 4-5 weeks, so most of the time was spent laying down and watching DVDs.

Speedy recovery.
Minor spill really, blind left hand bend on the way to work not fast and wearing jeans - should have known better! Traffic was backed up to the corner and I took 'evasive' action with me staying in my lane and the bike crossing into oncoming traffic and hitting the wall (it managed to miss a lorry!) but the bike caught my knee/thigh as I was leaving it and I scraped the road ..

Knee skinned to the bone and signed off for 3 days .... back to work for a couple of days on the mend and then go back to A&E 8 days after the off as the pain got worse where I was advised to exercise my knee to help absorb the 'fluid'. Next day I go down again to A&E in even more pain ... they fast tracked me and the doctor cut out the wound on the A&E table (ouch!) and I had an op the next day to get rid of the infected stuff and clean me out - diagnosis was Sceptic knee/leg :eek: The impact had killed tissue near my bone that later got infected .. 3 days + 5 days in hospital and 4 more weeks signed off for a minor spill .... bah, leathers would probably have let me get away with bruising!

13 weeks of this would do me in!
Get well soon and enjoy your time off while it lasts. Time to get the coffee pot on, biscuits in the cupboard and a bit of Skyrim on the 360. :D
Don't forget to raise a compensation claim agasint the roadworks that caused the jam, the cars in the jam, the owner of the wall you hit, the company that laid the road, and the manufaturer of the jeans you were wearing. j/k, but if your stuck watching day time TV, I bet you now know the names of at least a dozen no win no fee firms.

Hope you feel better soon. Try not to beat yourself up over the leathers, we all make mistakes (I know I've taken that risk more than once), and at least its better to say "Leathers would have saved me a lot of pain" instead of "Leathers would have saved my life".
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