Crashing after sleep?

28 Jan 2011
Hey guys,

I put my MM to sleep about an hour ago, came back to it and it had rebooted from a "crash" which I couldn't tell how to check what it was..

I have now updated from Sequoia 15.1 to 15.2..

Is there anything that could be causing this? Maybe my wired "gaming" keyboard or the Wireless mouse?
I stopped putting mine into sleep when it kept waking up the monitor sporadically, the general advice is not to put it into sleep, just shut it down.
With all due respect the guy who responded is Level 10 with 145,342 points

This one is a reply from a level 10 (whatever that means) with 147,288 points and his first comment is: "Shutting a Mac down routinely actually causes more trouble than it's worth. If you're not going to use it for several days, ok, but nightly is not a good idea."

I can't be arsed to go and find more.

I find it laughable to suggest that the general advice for Macs is not to use sleep, I really do, because it just works so well.
I find it laughable to suggest that the general advice for Macs is not to use sleep, I really do, because it just works so well.
I’m not bothered anyway, sleep doesn’t work for me with my setup. I don’t mind shutting it down, when I turn it on it’s actually ready to login before the monitor has had the chance to come out of standby. I’m not missing much.
Like @Feek says, look at the logs. Good starting point is the 'Crash Reports' (open the 'Console' app), otherwise 'system.log' but you may have to just plough through the lot.
FYI - logs are under '/Library/Logs' (system space) or '~/Library/Logs' (user space).

It's not Windows, Macs should sleep and recover very reliably.
Both platforms sleep fine until they don't :p Although arguably it's usually a driver/kext or hardware issue that causes most sleep problems (on both platforms).
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Although arguably it's usually a driver/kext or hardware issue that causes most sleep problems (on both platforms).

Yeah though I don't know about Macs but 9 times out of 10 it is a LAN or peripheral controller driver which isn't liking coming out of sleep.
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