Crazy prices for iPhone 3G?

13 May 2008
Just looking on a major auction site, and iPhone 3G are going for around £800-£1100 on average..

Did they discontinue the 3G on launch of the 3GS?

I would say it could be a scam going on, but they are pages upon pages of completed auctions for the 3G at crazy prices!
Thats crazy!!

I just sold my iPhone 3G 16Gb for 300 and my dads 3G 8Gb for 220 so I hope I haven't missed out

But yeah, the 16Gb has been discontinued, the 8 is still available though
Even the 2G goes for silly money, had a brief look a few days ago because I don't fancy £35 a month plus a £200 phone but would benefit from the email on the move. Guess it's a BlackBerry for me :)
I have no idea what pages your looking at but for me the standard auction place has buy it now 8gb 3g's for around £250.

Anything vastly over that is clearly some kind of scam..
Classic scam. Nigerians bid the phone up to £1000 to get you excited, then it's "could you please be sending the phone first" or "noble friend, I have your money but I need £100 to release it". Either that or you get a fake PayPal email telling you the money's been paid when it hasn't. Sadly it's been going on for a while.
Classic scam. Nigerians bid the phone up to £1000 to get you excited, then it's "could you please be sending the phone first" or "noble friend, I have your money but I need £100 to release it". Either that or you get a fake PayPal email telling you the money's been paid when it hasn't. Sadly it's been going on for a while.

Yeah twitters has had a few people recently saying they just sold their phone for an amazing price, to a nigerian scammer and had to relist it.
I got scammed before when i was a little more naive (years back).

I never sell to anyone outside the UK because everyone else is scum.....well, at least that is the attitude you need to have on eBay! :p
It was a nightmare trying to buy one on there too, I found one where the guy wanted a cheque or bank transfer before he could send it, I offered to collect and pay cash, he told me this wasn't possible as he "needed the money to get the phone from his supplier" Hmmm, how strange. I walked away and he is no longer a registered member on the bay.

I saw other that were faulty and still sold for crazy prices. Also so a copy iPhone sell for near iPhone money as people didn't read the auction properly. Saw a few fly up to thousands in the last minute too.
I never sell to anyone outside the UK because everyone else is scum.....well, at least that is the attitude you need to have on eBay! :p

Exactly my attitude. I never sell items abroad and for all high risk items state it in all listings in a large font. This does actually work at deterring such scammers since they realise you are aware of such scams.

edit: Going through listings now and I can't see any outrageous bids. Maybe it was shill bidding on a massive scale?
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