CRB check - what does it show?

22 Aug 2010
On the Wagon-East Angular
OK - I 'found' (Me and a mate set them on fire but the policeman turned up whilst we were watching the aftermath - we said we found it like it :/) some outbuildings on fire - a policeman took our names and address details, but we never heard anything more about it - will that show?

I got arrested in Germany for shoplifting. When the Police searched me, they also found a load of car badges/emblems that I had taken. I never heard any more regarding either of these offences.

Both of the above happened about 20 years ago if that makes any difference? Thanks.
22 Aug 2010
On the Wagon-East Angular
It's working with pre-school children, so hence the enhanced check.

The fire incident, thinking back on it, was more like 23 years ago - I must have been about 13 years old or so. The bobby just noted down our names and addresses in his pocket book. We helped him stamp out the last few flames and he told us to be on our way!

Germany happened 20 years or so ago. Like I said - I was detained in a shop for shoplifting. The police were called and searched me. They also found a load of car badges I'd been nicking too. They took my name and address details down of the place I was staying at in Germany and also my home address. I got a latter several months later saying (it was in German - I did my best to translate it myself - I wasn't going to ask my parents to do it :o) and from what I could work out the police said that the shop did not want to press charges (or words to that effect) and that the police were not going to investigate the theft of the badges any more. I can't remember if it said anything about reporting the matter to the UK police. I was 15 or so at the time.

I've not been in any bother since Germany though.
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