Creamfields 2006

4 Aug 2003
Wooo, just noticed that this has moved even closer to me!

This year its in warrington, how happy am I.
No travelling right on my door step :D

Anybody else going this year?

Yeah as far as im aware, it has been for the last 7 years so doubt
they will change it. Cant find any official dates or line ups but ive
booked that weekend off this morning :D

Owwwwww :(:( dont think i will be going, am on holiday till 13th Aug, so ill have No money left- i'll just have to party harder in Magaluf instead :D Gutter
I'll probably be going to gkgg this year. I've been to both festivals now and gkgg is much better. Nicer atmosphere, better decoration, louder speakers and generally more well organised. Either way i'm going to be stuck on a coach for 4hours there and back....
Bah, I've always missed this because it clashes with Reading. Ah well, I still have Global Gathering :p
I Cant really refuse this as its literally on my door step!

Can near enough see the venue from my desk now :D :D

This will just be the "break" in *** middle of my June
and September Ibiza trips, you gotta love the summer

Oooh nice one dude, hopefully i'll finally get to go to this one as opposed to all the other events i miss and you mock me for :(
Yeah mate, you fancy it?

Will make a change for you going to see some real music hey?
feels like you dont like me as ive invited you out a few times ;)

PS Marco V rules :p

-=BAF=-AXE said:
Yeah mate, you fancy it?

Will make a change for you going to see some real music hey?
feels like you dont like me as ive invited you out a few times ;)

PS Marco V rules :p


Marco V is coming to sheffield in April... cant wait!!!! :D :D :D

Does anyone know if there is a psy tent at gkgg?
Grrrrr, keep me updated with a date of whens hes there,
ill make the trek up to yorkshire foir this one, could even
pick up Marv on the way ;)

-=BAF=-AXE said:
Grrrrr, keep me updated with a date of whens hes there,
ill make the trek up to yorkshire foir this one, could even
pick up Marv on the way ;)


16th April link

You're welcome to some floor/sofa space if i go (very likely!!)

EDIT\\ who is marv? why the wink? *nervous* :p
Marvt74 lives between me and yorkshire - he

And Grrrrr that sounds cool :)
I alawys end up driving so im sure ill end up the same on this one!
If i dont drive a floor space would be cool :)

Aye i'm Marv, Andy you gonna let me have a ride in the pink car :D

Your forgot about Oasis aswell when you rang me :(
I'll probably go. It's good that they've moved it, that airfield was getting boring. The teenage thug situation last year was also appalling. No doubt a consequence of being right inside Liverpool!
:( dont talk to me about it anymore.

Didnt realise it fell on the same weekend as Challenge Cup weekend,
so am in London till Sunday Am then Sheffield for Gatecrasher on Sunday
night :)

Ah well i've ahd more than my fair share of clubbing in the last 3 months
and actually feeling stupidly tired and worn down :(

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