Create a cub scout merit badge

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Man of Honour
Man of Honour
7 Nov 2002
The Winchester
Many of you, like me, may have at some time or another been in the cub scouts. Others of you may well have beaten up someone who was and stolen their cub scout jumper. Either way, you were almost certainly the recipient of a highly sought-after and equally garish piece of material that showed how much better you were than everyone else in a chosen activity.

Covering three levels of expertise symbolised by the colours red, yellow and green, these so-called 'merit badges' would be proudly displayed on your arm so that your fellow cublets could gaze upon you with wonder and awe. Whether your forté was swimming, running, archery, compassmanship, first aiding, bushcraft, loafing, butchery or the ever popular 'housekeeping', you could be sure there was a merit badge available for it.

The badges themselves were almost always triangular and the logo enscribed thereon was only ever in white and yelow stitching. Unfortunately, despite the huge range of badges one could aim for, I feel that there were activities that were left out. I implore you to help me right these wrongs and give recognition to the unsung activities that you know and love.

Pub Skills - awarded for expertise in all things pub


Red badge requirements: Ability to get to the bar and back without spilling a drop. Some pub trivia must be demonstrated in view of a potential quiz situation. Must be able to successfully enter a conversation about 'the match last night' using a generic comment, despite having not seen it. Knowledge of whether you're allowed to stack coins on the edge of the pool table essential.

Yellow badge: Should be able to remember a list of no less than four drinks and get to the bar and back in one trip. Must demonstrate a fight-avoidance technique, possibly including the lines 'He's not worth it' or 'We've all had a drink'. A request of 'the usual' to the landlord should be met by no other response than his immediate reach for a glass.

Green badge: Upon entering the pub, all clientèle should raise their glass to you and say your name in unison. Your drink will be poured merely by making eye-contact with the landlord and it will be served in a special tankard. You must know the name of the landlord's three-legged dog. Should the situation arise, you may be called upon to man the bar yourself.

The Tony Manero - for mad dancefloor skills


Red badge requirements: Your dance technique must show ascendancy above 'flailing'. Adaptation in moves between songs must be demonstrated. Falling over may result in failure.

Yellow badge: Ability to dance with a drink and not spill any will be rewarded. Innovation is key - knowledge of classic, retro and contemporary moves will earn points, as will moves you think you made up yourself. Treading on toes will be frowned upon.

Green badge: You will have the confidence to enter the dancefloor alone knowing people will follow, apart from the members of the opposite sex rendered unconscious by your thrusting. Whatever track is played, you know the right moves. You ARE the music. You will be dressed all in white.

Here's the template for the badge. Give me some more!
The Arthur Fonzerelli - for plain old-fashioned cool


Red badge requirements: You have a leather jacket and a motorcycle. Go you. Your best friend must be a geek and your hair slicker than the North Sea.

Yellow badge requirements: Ladies must swoon in your presence and approach you upon a simple click of the fingers. Any looks of envy must be met with a smug grin, a thumbs-up and a hearty 'Ayyyyyyy!'.

Green badge requirements: Any form of machinery should be operable at will simply by tapping it with the fist. You must be able to jump shark-infested waters on water-skis. Your office should be the toilet of a diner. Your girlfriend must be Pinky Tuscadero.
Keyboard Warrior - For internet tough-guys


Red Badge - Be obnoxious and use the rolleyes as much as possible. Pick on newbs (they are so lame after all), pepper your diatribes with foul language. If someone laughs at you, it's because they are scared. Add them to the list.

Yellow Badge - Make lofty claims about your prowess in the bedroom/pool hall/squared circle. If someone derides you in anyway, defend your honour by informing them, 'If you said that to me in the pub, I'd smash yer face in'

Green Badge - Threaten to find out where your enemy lives; offer to meet them half way for fisticuffs. If they refuse, advise them to 'watch their back', after all you know people in every county who are handy with a bat. Use capitals in your posts.
Edit: Damn it! Beaten! I'm off to get my nunchaku...

Keyboard Warrior - awarded for great courage and valour in the face of any hypothetical situation


Red badge requirements: Access to the internet. The ability to lie about yourself and your physical and/or mental parameters.

Yellow badge requirements: All topics must be replied to with how great you are and how you would handle the given situation if you'd been there, regardless of who wants to hear it. Do not factor in your weaknesses and neuroses, and always mention that you would have a baseball bat for that situation.

Green badge requirements: You may not listen to reason. You are God himself. Any dispute regardless of topic can be won simply by reiterating just how strong/clever/fast/tall/confident you are in real life. You own nunchaku and can 'take' anyone. You must ask people to 'step outside', even though this is the freakin' internet.
Fruit Machine Expert- For drunk people with change.


Red Badge - You should be able to tell the difference between a quiz machine and a fruit machine. You need a basic grasp of common features and their pitfalls. You must no longer put your small change in the charity tins.

Yellow Badge - You can recognise the difference between manufacturers of fruit machines. You have good knowledge of all the machines in your town/area. You know the best times to play the machines to increase your chance of winning. When you're not playing, you're telling someone else what to do.

Red Badge - You are known as 'Judge Nudge', your social life revolves around winning money from a flashing box. You can tell how full a machine is by the sound your money makes when it goes in. You know all the secrets, cheats and bugs in most fruit machines. You have no qualms about spending £200 over 2 hours to win £250. You only drink Irn-Bru and don't see you friends anymore.
This is soo gonna be deleted when Gilly sees it... :mad: so much effort too

The Chuck Norris Approved Badge - for Chuck Norris-like skills.


Red badge requirements: Your roundhouse technique must show ascendancy above 'flailing'. Adaptation to natural surroundings must be demonstrated. Falling over will result in failure.

Yellow badge: Ability to roundhouse with a drink and not spill any will be rewarded. Innovation is key - knowledge of all will earn points, as will charm you think you made up yourself. Treading on toes will be frowned upon.

Green badge: You will have the confidence to challenge Chuck Norris alone. Whatever is said or done you have the answer. You ARE Chuck Norris.

The OcUK Don Approved Badge - for OcUK Don-like skills.


Red badge requirements: Your forum technique must show ascendancy above 'flailing'. Adaptation to the darkside must be demonstrated. Falling over will result in failure.

Yellow badge: Ability to browse with a drink and not spill any will be rewarded. Banning is key - knowledge of all threads will earn points, as will cracking down on spam [not the meat]. Treading on Spie will be frowned upon.

Green badge: You will have the confidence to challenge many threads for their pointlessness alone. Whatever is said or done you have the answer. You ARE an OcUK Don.

PS. anyone hear that ice cracking...? :p
gord said:
The Chuck Norris Approved Badge - for Chuck Norris-like skills.


Red badge requirements: Your roundhouse technique must show ascendancy above 'flailing'. Adaptation to natural surroundings must be demonstrated. Falling over will result in failure.

Yellow badge: Ability to roundhouse with a drink and not spill any will be rewarded. Innovation is key - knowledge of all will earn points, as will charm you think you made up yourself. Treading on toes will be frowned upon.

Green badge: You will have the confidence to challenge Chuck Norris alone. Whatever is said or done you have the answer. You ARE Chuck Norris.

Best. Badge. Ever. :D
The Counterstrike Badge (Also known as pwnin noobs badge)


Red Badge:

You like to play Counterstrike a couple of times a week. you're not bad at it, and you get some spectacularly lucky kills in. You always get less kills than deaths. You're thinking about getting xfire but wondering if you'll really use it all that much. Sometimes you get so frustrated with being killed, you save and buy an awp. To teach you a lesson, you get killed even quicker that round.

Yellow Badge:

You play at least 4 times a week, and have 5 regular servers where your alias is known. The admins greet you as you sign on. You're proficient with a fair few weapons now, and regularly substitute a rifle for a shottie and have a good few rounds. On the rounds you die, you've got the keys for the guns and accessories you need to buy mapped out and type them with ease. You think the guy from Pure Pwnage! is cool. You have at least 10 xfire contacts. You want to join a clan. Tip: when you die, type "laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag" so people know your death couldn't have been avoided.

Green Badge

You're a server admin on at least one server. If your server's full, you boot the people you dont recognise so you can get a game. You have a great KDR and are pretty much always top. People call you a h4x0r at least once a round. Mouse Button one is assigned to moving forward. Everyone talks to you when you come on the channel, but you rarely talk to're using voice. You mostly opt for legging it about with a deagle, killing every single person on the other team, and leaving everyone wondering how the hell you did it. You don't need body armour. You don't care what team you're on, or what the map is, you know all the great spots to camp. You sometimes lose whole evening slating n00bs on IRC. You daydream about CS whilst at work. You don't have a girlfriend anymore, and if you do...not for long.
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Sic said:
The Counterstrike Badge (Also known as pwnin noobs badge)


Red Badge:

You like to play Counterstrike a couple of times a week. you're not bad at it, and you get some spectacularly lucky kills in. You always get less kills than deaths. You're thinking about getting xfire but wondering if you'll really use it all that much. Sometimes you get so frustrated with being killed, you save and buy an awp. To teach you a lesson, you get killed even quicker that round.
:D I think someone wrote up my actual cs:s biography :p

Great Badges here, I wish I could have got some when I was a cub or scout.
Metrosexual Badge - for those not afraid to explore their inner woman


Red Badge - You think that Watermelon Breezers are quite good if you need a break from the lager. You've learned how to divide your monobrow using your girlfriend’s tweezers and have borrowed her hand cream during a cold snap. You have exfoliated. You have a salmon coloured shirt, you only wear Calvin Kleins and your wallet has a zip on it. You can cook Risotto from scratch.

Yellow Badge - You enjoy watching Richard Curtis movies with your girlfriend, especially if you have a nice bottle of white wine. You just adore Strawberry Cheesecake and Galaxy has replaced Yorkie as your favourite chocolate bar. You have more than one colour of hair on your head and can't imagine a day without styling products. You have more than 10 pairs of shoes, several pink garments and find the thought of using Imperial Leather repulsive.

Green Badge - You have an intimate knowledge of the cocktails served at your local gay bar and are flattered when patron chats you up. Annie is your favourite movie. You have no hair on your entire body save for eyebrows, a small vertical strip on your chin and a similar strip above your penis. You treat yourself to pamper days at the local health spa. You sold the Subaru and got a nice TT. You own more clothes than your girlfriend, ditto hygiene products. You find beer disgusting. You are considering asking your girlfriend if she's up for a threesome. With her ex-boyfriend.
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