Create your own 360 Achievements

30 Nov 2004
Oop North
Just got this idea from another forum. If you could create a game, any game, what would it be and what achievements would you give it? Alternativly, what acheivments would you give to a current game?

Id probably go with an F1 game, the 360 needs one. Achievements would be pretty basic.

Championship on Easy/Medium/Hard/Extreme - 20/50/75/100
Win championship with 5/10/All drivers - 25/50/100
Beat the time trials for all tracks - 20 each (18 total)
Win 50 online races - 50
Win an online championship - 170
Total - 1000GS 27 Achievements

Stuff like that.
Definately a game like thief with a more gothic horror feel to it.

Achievements would be something like

25pts. Stole 5 rings in 5 seperate houses without detection.
50pts. Killed 10 guards without been heard
75pts. Completed one level using only roofs to cover distance.
100pts. Infiltrated the queens chamber whilst she was bathing.
Definately some sort of sports game for me - doesn't matter which sport.


Play a game on Live 100 pts,
Successfully lose 3 games on the trot 100 pts,
Successfully lose 5 games on the trot 200 pts,
Successfully lose 10 games on the trot 250 pts
Ultimate loser - 20 games defeated on the trot 1000000 pts

PaulB said:
Definately some sort of sports game for me - doesn't matter which sport.


Play a game on Live 100 pts,
Successfully lose 3 games on the trot 100 pts,
Successfully lose 5 games on the trot 200 pts,
Successfully lose 10 games on the trot 250 pts
Ultimate loser - 20 games defeated on the trot 1000000 pts


Yep, I'd be sorted with that setup! :D
I'd like a game based around street racing, but with the handling of PGR3 (not the usual arcade handling etc.) where you can mod your car both cosmetically and performance wise (similar to Forza) with a huuuge open ended city (test drive).

It should reward persistance with a single car and with a difficult progression between cars ie you start off with an average sort of car which you mod slowly then its a real achievement to be able to buy another. not like GT4 and Forza where you end up with car after car which you can afford to fully mod straight away.

It should include a damage model where damage doesn't just vanish after each race but where some cosmetic damage remains so you can either shell out to drive around in a mint looking car or keep it battered looking and spend the money on the oily bits.

Live play should be open ended with each server consisting of people just driving around the city who can challenge anybody at any time. Obviously online damage should be repaired free of charge. Because of the slow progression and high amount of modding ability you should be able to recognise people simply by their cars.

As for achievements, I guess it would be:
* beating different difficulties of AI driver.
* getting your first <10 second 0-60.
* doing 150+ for the first time.
* xx online wins.
* xx win streak online.
* £xxxxxx won from racing.
* Clean race achievement (no damage)
* Beating a better class of car online.
* xxx miles covered
* xxxx miles covered
* winner of daily online challenge. (a set/changed daily route, top 20 drivers with lowest times get the prize, reset daily. Once you have the achievement you can still compete but your time doesn't count as one of the top 20 (to give other people a chance to get it))
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