You should be able to do this in MS Bookings...
Start off in Bookings and create a new calendar. I suggest you use a naming convention here such as <your_chosen_name>_bookings_calendar. Unfortunately the oddity of how MS have set things up they use this as your business name but you can change this later after the calendar has been created. Once the calendar is created you can go into it from the Bookings homepage, select 'Business information' and change your 'Business name' to what it actually should be rather than the calendar name so that your business name shows in the various places on the 'Booking page'.
Ensure you're using the new bookings format as it has a different api to the previous one and also allows you to have a mix of services that are either 1:1 bookings or 1:many attendees. The default service that is generated for you during the calendar creation process is a 1:1 type service and I don't think it gives you the option for it to be anything else. Not to worry as you can create new services once the calendar has been created and then delete the original service if necessary. I say if necessary as once you create a service that only specifies 1 attendee then you can't change it later. Therefore if you think you might want more than one attendee it's best to set that option to at least 2.
Probably best to set your business hours in the 'Business information' section of the calendar settings. You can set up multiple available time ranges per day so in effect you can prevent a range of time over lunch from being bookable. Then whoever you add as a staff member will allow Bookings to figure out if a time slot is free if it isn't booked already in that persons calendar(s?). If all these people should only be making their appointment with 1 specific person then that's the easiest because you can add just that one person as a Staff member of the service and turn off the option in the 'Booking page' section under 'Default scheduling policy' > uncheck 'Allow customers to choose a specific person for the booking'.
Set your slot duration in the Services options and consider setting a 'Buffer time' after the appointment. The available slots will adjust themselves automatically to account for buffers once the slots start to be snuffled up. In the Services options you can also decide whether this is going to be conducted at a real location or to have an online Teams meeting for it.