Creating a MP3 Player in Java

17 Mar 2005
Doing this as part of my IVA for our course does anyone have any good links to help/tutorials/basics of doing this i know some java but will need to revise a lot more and unfortunately cant search at college going to make something similiar to WMP
Thanks mate i know i couldnt think of anything else to try. still cant see any helpful tutorial links
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There were at least 4 sets of different solutions with full source code available on the first page of the google search. if you need more help than a complete set of source code from a working mp3 player then you might need to lower your sights a little bit and choose a less demanding project?

If it's for a course most of the marks will be for the analysis / requirements / design portions of the problem anyway. Do you know how an mp3 file is structured, how you would go about decoding it into playable sound output? What about other sound formats? The ogg vorbis ones are MUCH easier to decode than mp3 / wmp formats

Visage, havent we seen a bit torrent client here before as well?

happytechie said:
Visage, havent we seen a bit torrent client here before as well?


Not sure, TBH - it just strikes me as something where the protocol spec is widelty available, but little in the way of source code - so it would be a good example of a situation where you have to design and a write an app according to specified requirements - mirroring the situation in a 'real world' development scenario....
1. im No swearing! at programming
2. im not allowed to make a bittorrent client

this is only for college i dont want to nick the source code i want to have help towards it
Well put it this way your not going to write an mp3 decoder from scratch. There's build in methods for handling audio in the java librarys, should be a simple case using those.
WalkeruK said:
1. im **** at programming
2. im not allowed to make a bittorrent client

this is only for college i dont want to nick the source code i want to have help towards it

What sort of help do you want? I don't think there's going to be a step by step guide available.

There's plenty of resources available and if you put the time in I'm sure you'll be able to piece it all together, just don't expect it to all be done for you.
Una said:
Well put it this way your not going to write an mp3 decoder from scratch. There's build in methods for handling audio in the java librarys, should be a simple case using those.

Actually that WOULD be a fun project :) In fact if I was an utter sadist lecturer I'd make my students roll their own FFT algorithms as well :D

But seriously to the OP, have a look at the complete source code. Try and understand what it does. Change it, see if it breaks, how it breaks and how to fix it, and then add your own spin on it. Seeing how others have done something and playing with their implementation until you understand it well enough to use and adapt it your own needs is as valid and important a method of learning programming as doing it yourself from scratch. As long as you dont blindly cut and paste it and know what your code is doing there shouldnt be a problem.
WalkeruK said:
1. im No swearing! at programming
2. im not allowed to make a bittorrent client

this is only for college i dont want to nick the source code i want to have help towards it

if you're asking people to donate their spare time, for free to help you it'd be a good ideato be a bit more polite

if you can't code for toffee then a MP3 player may be a bit of a big ask, what can you write? Can you do a GUI, do you understand what you need to do to play a mp3 file via Java. I'm more than willing to help you out but I'm not willing to write it for you!

there isn't a library in the standard java API that handles MP3s so you'd have to either use an open source 3rd party library (there are several on sourceforge) or roll your own. If you are pap at programming then that option probably isn't open to you. What level is the course you are doing, degree, GCSE etc?

doe that mean that you don'y know what level the course you are studdying is?

if you find the time to answer my other questions I'll try to point you in the right direction.

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