Creating a MSN bot

27 Jun 2006
Evening all.

As a person who has dabbled in quite a few languages but is no proficient in any, does anyone have any pointers / sites where I could learn how to code up an MSN bot?

To be honest its a 'gimmicky' thing I have in mind for it - sort of a FAQ that will give you answers in MSn to common questions / problems.

So if you have any advice on MSN bot coding / website pointers I would like to hear about them (as well as what language would be best to have a go at this with!)

Probably best to ask in here:

As for coding in an MSN bot, I imagine it won't be that easy, especially for a beginner. I suggest you choose a language to write it in, buy a book or two and get to know the language before attempting to write it.

I'd recommend C# as it will be particularly suited to writing anything to do with the .NET passport system.

You may want to take a look at this if you decide to go with C#:
I have a fairly decent MSN bot I created in VB using the Messenger API - Only downside with mine is you need to use Windows Messenger not MSN Messenger. I never really got on with making a MSN Messenger bot as you need to do loads of crap to auth etc... depending on what protocol you are planning on using i.e. MSNP8, 9, 10, 11...

If you are interest in the Windows Messenger one though I will happily send you my source and explain how it works to you etc...

Cheers for the pointers - TrUz, if you wouldn't mind sending the code for me to look at it would be appreciated (malefic [at] priv8surfer [dot] com)

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