Creating an installable in VS2013 Ultimate

10 Dec 2012
Hey Guys,

I have created a tiny little program for displaying the info of all the COM ports allocated on my computer and i want to create a setup project so i can install it on mine and others computers. Does anyone know an easy way of doing this?

I have just started looking into WiX and it not to bad once you get going with it and from using it have managed to automate a lot of the installer build process and is now a lot quicker than the previous process that involved install shield.

I have been running the installer build process via the command line using WiX heat,light candle. But look at WixEdit it has a GUI for building using WIX and is pretty good. I also looked at Inno Setup as mentioned above but cannot recall why I didnt proceed with it.
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to be honest im not entirely sure how to create a standalone executable either... i figured i needed to create an installable. I have never actually bought any project i have started to the point of completion before as i usually have grand ideas in my head that i never actually complete. But this is for someone at work and they want to just run it.
You don't say what language you have written in, but it sounds like you are probably only using build in functionality anyway so no external ddls or anything.
Just Build the file and it should output an exe you can use.

In visual studio it is Build menu -> build solution (or F7). Remember to set the configuration to Release.
then the exe will be in <project directory>/bin/Release/
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