Creating an iOS app (iPad/iPhone)

30 Dec 2004
Hi all

Hoping this is the right section for this.

Have a few ideas for some apps, and was wondering if anyone here had experience and/or could recommend a trusted site or two that allows you to develop an app with no programming experience?

I've got limited programming experience, however i'm more looking at a design point of view.

I've google'd a few, but determining the decent ones from the not so decent i'm finding a bit difficult.

Ideally, I'd prefer a piece of software a lot more as obviously no idea(s) are disclosed, and wouldn't mind submission to App store myself.

Any comments appreciated.
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You won't find a piece of software that will create an app for you if you have no programming knowledge. There's a few that will allow you do it with only HTML/CSS/JavaScript knowledge (i.e. PhoneGap) but I'm guessing that's not what you're looking for.

If you've got a genuine business idea, you're better off learning to program or hiring someone who can. Hiring iOS developers isn't cheap though.
I signed up for this Kickstarter. Email the guy and I'm sure he'll do you a similar deal. Note: won't be published for a few weeks.

Swift is only in the beta version of XCode 6, the language was only released recently. There's loads of support on the web for Objective-C based development which he won't get with Swift ...yet.
Swift is only in the beta version of XCode 6, the language was only released recently. There's loads of support on the web for Objective-C based development which he won't get with Swift ...yet.

True, but (and I realise he has financial incentive) the tutor believes it is much easier to learn than Objective-C.
Thanks for the replies.

Been searching a few that do a £xx per month kind of thing, but not too sure about trusting them.

Thanks for your help.

Somewhat off topic, but is Android easier than iOS or are they equivalent?
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