Creating forms in Dreamweaver...

11 Dec 2004
Hi all,

Well I have created a form in dreamweaver, it contains a number of different fields, text boxes, and radial buttons etc. There is a submit and a reset button at the bottom of the form, the reset button is working fine.

All of the items listed above are within the Red line that surrounds a form in dreamweaver.

My question now, is how to I get it to submit?

Ideally I would like the information sent to an email address.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Html can't perform tasks like sending mail, for this you'll need php. Make sure your host supports php, and then either write or download a php mail send.

There's plenty of site's out there that will tell you how, for example:
(This is the first link I found on google)

Html is used to create the page, php is used to send the mail :)

Goodluck :)
Well it can be done by adding the line:

<form action="mailto:[email protected]" method="post">

which would use the user's email client. It's tacky and messy but it works. Alternativley, as said above you want the PHP command mail() but for this you are going to need PHP enabled hosting :)

Oh, by the way- put dreamweaver in the bin, get Notepad2 along with w3schools and learn XHTML and CSS :D :cool:
No - use Dreamweaver's code view instead :p

I can't tell you how much time I saved after I spent a couple o' hundred on a nice IDE (Zend Studio) :)
Thanks for the replies.

I am using the mailto command at the momet so that the form goes via the users email client. It works, but I would like it to look a little more proffesional.

I have set up some PhpBB forums on the same server, so im guessing it wont have any problems with using Php for the form?

I'll go and have a look on that site and for similar ones and see if I can get my head around using a PHP script to send the email.

Chances are i'll be back with more questions when I fail miserably :D

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