creating network with winserv 2003

12 Jan 2009
is it possible to install winserv 2003 on a desktop p.c with minimum requirments. wondering if poss to set up private network over internet for family to file share,keep in touch,maybe game,like a constant online place just for one group.if this is a bollock question apoligize in advance for waste of time,cheers:)
You don't need Server 2003 to do any of the above that you mentioned. You can of course install Server 2003 on a "normal" desktop PC, but given the things you want to do with your network, it is incredibly overkill.

By "keep in touch", what exactly do you mean? Is email, phone, text, messenger not enough?
Seems you've maybe thought of the IT solution before fully looking at your requirements?

I'd go have a think about what you need to achieve and then come back. The other scenario is you want to learn more and have a mess about at home, in this case don't mix it with things people rely on as they will quickly get annoyed.

I.e. Setting up a VPN to your brothers house might sound like fun but he won't appreciate his internet connection dropping repeatedly as you perfect routing tables on his router
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