Creating Small Website With eCommerce

22 Sep 2014
Dear All

My wife has recently started a very small gilding business and would like to build a website. Currently she is selling her wares at craft fairs locally however she wants to offer her items to a wider audience, which means selling over the internet.

There are gazillions of website building software packages out there but with very little knowledge of these things some help would be massively appreciated. I guess the first thing is what the site needs from her standpoint. It needs a front page, a page about her and her work, qualifications/photo's of past projects big and small etc, a contact page and a small store where people can buy items. I guess the first question is, do all the popular builders (Moonfruit/Coffeecup etc) come with ecommerce facilities? Secondly, is there a size limit that she needs to think about? One package she looked up said it gave you 15gb of data. Is that enough for what she needs? How much does a small selling website use?? And the main question, can someone recommend something?

Please know that this needs to be SIMPLE. Neither of use are computer people. We use them, can update stuff, do basic maintenance, but that's it.

Thank you for your time folks, much appreciated.
In the first instance you'll definitely benefit from the exposure and simplicity of setting something up like Etsy as Simisker suggests.

For next to no start up cost you'll have a robust platform that you can build on, no experience required.

Regardless of whether you create your own site it's likely a good bet to use Etsy as your shop platform as it will reduce risk, complexity and cost.

If you do want something built though feel free to fire me a message to my "trust" as it's something I do for a living.
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