Creative EP-630 - Are they meant to sound this bad?

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
I've just gotten a pair of these earphones after people seemed to rate them pretty highly, and they sound . . crap. Everything sounds 'muffled' like there are no highs at all, they sound worse than my old iPod white earphones. Am I doing something badly wrong here? I've tried various earpieces with no change.
While looking very similar, the CX300 are supposed to have different and better drivers. Still, I've heard people say they found the EP630 to be nice headphones, so I'm surprised to hear them described as muffled.

Where did you buy them from Caged? There's a lot of fakes around. Were they in sealed retail packaging?
Well they should sound a lot better than stock ipod phons - try burning them in - some music at just above normal listening volume at least over night - best over 100 hours.

Maybe you not used to a bit of bass...
There's a difference between a bit of bass and no highs ;)

It's a shame I had to go and destroy my E2c's.
What happened to your e2c's?

Mine are starting to split open in certain places along the wire, i keep trying to repair them with superglue and leccy tape, although it's only temporary.

Had them 2 years now so out of warrenty.
Caged said:
There's a difference between a bit of bass and no highs ;)

It's a shame I had to go and destroy my E2c's.

My sugestion is go and get yourself some "audiclean" from boots .... and burn in the headphones....

e2cs - are well known for having no highs - sounds like your ears are blocked!
I'm not sure what your definition of 'highs' is, but the E2c's had more than these do. Surely if these sound more bassy than the E2c's, then they have even less at the high-end? I'm pretty sure my DX4's aren't removing the bass from all music either.

Unless these EP-630s are perfect and every other set of speakers and headphones I have ever listened to are wrong.

My ears are clean as.

Edit: What you say about burning them in seems to make sense, if I crank them then the highs seem to appear.
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