Creative Fatal1ty fps

30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
Hi guys,

I'll be getting my fancy fps of Arcane from the MM soon, and just wanted to get some advice about driver versions, installation etc.

This is the best soundcard I've ever owned since an adlib all those years ago lol. (i've got a live 5.1, but it's hardly cutting edge and I'd rather give it away than use it as the drivers are pants).

Thanks Helmet :)

1) Is it still install in the further away PCI slot?
2) Any recommended driver version?
3) Does it need to be cooled or is case cooling enough (i.e. does it suffer from heat soak and need a fan on anything?)
4) Best setting for games (Headphone or 2.1)
5) Best setting for music (2.1)
6) Is EAX 5.0 any good or stick with non eax stuff? (I have Stalker/ bf2/ oblivion/ cod4/ supreme commander/ HL2:EP2 / TF2 / Crysis and a few others).
7) Any hot fixes I need, or 'work arounds' that need doing/applying?

1) Ideally yes, that was to get it away from the AGP GPU's to stop IRQ conflicts (not sure if still the case).

2) Yes Latest Driver esp if Vista64 and on 4GB of Memory.

3) No it dont need any airflow and it has a little Alu Sink on the Chipset for all non Asian cards (Silicon runs hotter).

4) Not sure as I always have used 5.1 then 7.1 speakers since 2001.

5) Same as above

6) Yes EAX is great in games that support it.

7) If Vista grab the " Vista X-FI .ISO " linked to in one of the Stickies on the Creative forums, and again grab the latest Driver esp if Vista64+4GB of Memory, install the Driver then all the APP's you choose from the CD you burn from the .ISO and skip the Driver on the CD as its older, then Update all APP's that have updates on the Creative Site (there is a auto update service).

Is this ok ?
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