Creative G550W speaker problem

20 Sep 2007
I purchased a set of these (from OC) back in October. At first they worked fine but after a few days I would hear a `click` from the woofer and the system would switch off. After a couple of minutes I could switch back on and restore power only for it to power off again a few minutes later. I contacted Creatve and received a replacement under warranty which again worked fine for a short time but has now developed the same problem. Its as if the system is over heating and a safety system is cutting in. Does anyone else have this system? Has anyone experienced the same problem? My PC is fitted with an ASUS P5K-e wi fi board, Intel quad core duo 2.4Gig and a Razer AC-1 gaming sound card:confused:
See Tony know one knows the hell we are going through with Creative labs G550W, message to the wise don't get the G550W:mad: just get the G500:eek:
I have the G550W and I am having the same problem as gremlin, the subwoofer makes a ping and then the thing goes dead, leave it for 10 mins and they will start and then ping and off they go.
Come on OCUK do you have any idea's as to what is happening "both sets where purchased from you, not that I am trying to lay the fault at your door" do you have any idea as to what is going on with them. At £200 each it's bloody frustrating when the only sound you get is PING

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ouch, sorry if it's salt in the wound, but I've got the G500s and haven't had a single problem with them. I imagine they're pretty similar speakers when it comes down to it, just mine have a load of messy wires.

2 years to the day I've had them too.
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I think they have the same woofer but as you said there are just more wires
with the G500 which I would be happy with as long as it works.
You wouldn't be leave the stupid reply I got from creative
Make sure there plunged in
make sure there switched on
make sure there connected to a sound card "come on" preferably creative lab card "which I do have".
Gremlin and I are related and are good friends he has the same set G550W
and his is doing the same thing.
Rebelius on the back of the subwoofer where the power cable goes in it tells you what volts to use could you have a look on your one to see what it is. On our subwoofer it says 230v as you know UK uses 240v we are wondering if this is the problem to much volts
Mine says 230V too - I'm not totally sure, but I think UK's supposed to run on 230 now - but it's only supposed to be within 10% one side and 6% the other side. Same goes for all the countries that used to be 220V, but the 10 and 6 are the other way round and 230 is well within the error margins for both 220 and 240.

I recon that'd only give you problems if it said 110V or something.
Thanks for checking for me, so its nothing to do with the external power so its got to be something inside the subwoofer. As you can see the same problem is happening to the same speaker sets. Both of us are having the subwoofer go ping about a second latter the dial flashes once and then they wont come back on unless you leave then with the main switched off for 10 minutes then switch
them back on and instantly they go back off when left over night they might say on for 5 minutes.
Hay thanks for your help, worth a shot in the dark.

mine are on all the time, cos if I switch them off at the wall, it forgets that I want the rears up a but and the sub right down.

Sounds like some sort of electrical fault - but you should be able to get an RMA at least, but if the replacements end up dying too, I don't really know what to suggest.
As it happens it is the second woofer gremlin has had the first 1 was RMA
he received a new woofer and that is doing the same thing so in fact it is 3
woofers that have been faulty.
Back to creative labs again its a pain in the ass.

Thanks for your reply.
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