Creative Gigaworks S750 7.1 Speakers?

7 Mar 2006
Has anyone got any first-hand experience of this speaker system?

I'm considering this system, because I'm interested in having all 8 channels and from what I have heard in reviews (I have found on the net) they are powerful, loud and have a much higher sound quality and frequency range compared to other PC speaker systems.

I'm partically interested in using this for music, watching TV, DVDs and gaming as I use my PC for everything. I would be using this with a X-FI Fatality.

Thanks in advance!
Ofcourse loudness isn't everything, the sound quality is very good, and that is why I'm interested in these speakers.. Loudness is a requirement but ofcourse I don't want to blow my ear drums out! I just wanted to make sure that these speakers are capable of withstanding high volumes, so I know I'm not likely to blow them at the med-high volume - I don't like maxing the volume out totally.
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