creative i-trigue 5600 volume control unit module

23 Mar 2006
hi i am looking for a volume module for the above system, i have damaged mine and cannot seem to find one, have contacted creative and am waiting a reply......

anybody.... heres hoping

i have had a reply and thats a no from creative, so im hoping somebody here can help, or knows someobne who can replace the potentiometer???
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first let me say i havnt got a solution to your problem BUT i DID have the same problem. I tryed to contact creative myself to get a replacement. they said its discontinued. Basicly i went from the 5.1's to some logitech Z-51's (i think thats it) so my point is that unless you can fix it yourself get some logitechs, never had problems with them and the sound is fantastic, nice bass, perfet mids and crisp well tuned trebble. also they fix the freq's well so you dont get "spamge" going from high to low as it were. cash permiting ofcouse, cash being the primary restriction on any upgrade.

(just worth noting that i recently got my advanced computer support diploma :D)

hope this helps
yeah, well its only a cpl of years old and the speakers are fine, i mashed the vol control unit myself, so if could find one it wouldnt be aa problem. i hate throwing things out that are fine. if i could by pass it or something then i would be happy, currently i am not :(

oh well
yeah, well its only a cpl of years old and the speakers are fine, i mashed the vol control unit myself, so if could find one it wouldnt be aa problem. i hate throwing things out that are fine. if i could by pass it or something then i would be happy, currently i am not :(

oh well

I've been looking for a set of i-trigue 5600s, and I use an External Live! sound card, which has a connection to replace the volume control. So if you'd be interested in selling me your set, let me know (hopefully you read this before you get rid of them). This is assuming you live in the UK.
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