Creative music keyboard

3 Jul 2007
Newcastle UK
Hi all just a quick query. My dad is a music teacher and has recently purchased a keyboard from creative that is a conventional keyboard but also has some small piano keys at the bottom of it. Basically allowing the user to play some music using a keyboard layout but on a pc
Each time he presses the key there is a short delay before the note comes through the speakers. He has a 3.1 speaker system- What i am wondering is this delay caused by the onboard sound.
If he was to buy a decent soundcard would the problem be solved
i.e when he presses the keys the note would sound instantly.

Heres a link showing the Keyboard for youse to get an idea.

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What are you experiencing is latency.

Depending on the software you are using with the PC, you can usually adjust the latency time in ms, it is probably set to 50ms or so, but if you have a directx sound driver, might even be as high as 250ms!

A lot of onboard soundcards can be used for what you are trying to do, it will be better buying a seperate one, however as long as you have the option to change the latency in the current software, try anything under 15ms for a big improvement.
Yea thanks pulsedriver, i just wasnt sure if the latency delay was caused by software or the onboard sound.
Where will i find the option to adjust the latency settings- control panel and under the sound options tab?
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