Creative T10 v T20

7 Nov 2005
Hey all,

I've just ordered some lovely Sennheiser HD555s but will need some speakers for my room at uni too.

Do you think the extra £20 is worth it to get the Creative Gigaworks T20 2.0 over the Creative Inspire T10 2.0?

I didn't really want to spend £130 on speakers and headphones but if there's a huge difference then I'll pay it.

If you have any other suggestions for speakers which are less than £40, feel free to post them.
Buy the T20's, very good £50 speakers, Inspires are not up to much as mentioned above. T40's are great and decent step up over T20's, however price wise are far too close to some very good 2.1 sets, so not worth it imo.

Edit: Logitech Z-10's are worth a look aswell if you can stretch the £'s.
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