Creative X-FI Sticky?

3 Dec 2006
Brisbane, Australia
I'm posting this because I'm considering getting an X-FI. (Music or gamer) and I had several questions about it.
I then saw that every 5th thread here is X-FI related, much of it getting repeated.
It’s clear this is the most popular sound card with more people buying it everyday and more people with questions/problems with it.

I’m asking if any kind soul would care to put together the important information about the cards; specs, differences between them, drivers, compatibility, connectivity, performance, etc. etc. Then make it a Sticky for the benefit of the many people owning or considering this card. :p

Maybe it’s a lot to ask, it’s only a suggestion. I consider doing it myself but I’m not an expert on X-FI and don’t even own one yet.
What do the moderators think of the idea? :)
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