Creative Zen 4GB - Mini-Review

12 Jun 2005


Creative Zen 4GB (Paid £54.95) & Creative EP-630 Earphones. Already had the earphones.


I don't really have much to compare it to as I am no audiophile but I was happy with the sound. My only quibble is that the player was not that loud, even on full blast, but maybe its because I have bass boast on or because I am using these earphones. I didn't try the earphones that came with the player, but I suggest you get a decent pair anyways as they didn't look too good.

Clarity was pretty decent.


You have to re-encode your movies/videos down to 320*240 before they will play on the device. A 20minute episode of scrubs took 5minutes to re-encode via VirtualDub. I was quite impressed with the quality of the video and sound for such a small device and I, personally, found it perfectly watchable and would definitely be using this in future for watching tv episodes on the go.

Menu system:

I was very impressed with how customizable this is, you can remove things you don't use etc and it seemed to be very fluid and wasn't slow (don't have much media on there at the moment).

Although I haven't tested the SD slot, apparently you have to go through a seperate menu to access the things on the SD card which is a downpoint, but I believe Creative have (or are going to) release a new firmware to fix this.


The one feature I was very impressed with was the "Album of the day" button, which will randomly choose an album and start playing it for you everytime you press it. Even better, you can assign a different function to this button if you want - like to go to the videos page for instance.

Look, Feel & Buttons

I quite like the look of it, but I guess its all down to taste. It doesn't weight that much. The screen and device as a whole is very prone to fingerprints and scratches though so you may want to get a silicone skin.

I thought it might be a bit awkward to use due to it being landscape but I thought it was decent enough to use. If you don't lock the device the buttons would get pressed when it is in your pocket, so remember to put the lock on.


Overall, for the price, I am very happy and would recommend it. But then again I am no audiophile and someone else might be able to pick more faults with it. As said, the only quibble is that it doesn't go that loud with the earphones I use.

Can't really comment on the battery life at the moment - but it hasn't ran out yet :p

Never done a review before as you can probably tell - but if you have any questions - do ask :p
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@ Conrad11, You have the Froggies to thank for lack of Volume.

Its an EU law so you do not go deaf, if you want it louder flash it with the US Firmware.
@ Conrad11, You have the Froggies to thank for lack of Volume.

Its an EU law so you do not go deaf, if you want it louder flash it with the US Firmware.

Huh? Never knew about this - you sure? I take it this a new law that has come in recently?

Edit: Just looked and there is a different firmware for europe. Downloading the US one now - will report back later when I have tried it.
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For other Creative DAP's inc my Zen Nano+, Zen V Plus and ZV:M 30GB 100% sure.

The ZV:M is not recent and probably nor is the law.

At one time you had to flash within the Recovery mode to Crossflash from EU to US but I'm sure it now flashes normally without doing that.
Hmm - well it looks like i downloaded the european one again :S.....could have sworn i got the US one.

I only say that as it has the "e" on the end of the firmware version still (same as before) so I am assuming that its the european one :/
When I did it, you had to go to the USA Creative site (they may block it now and you may need use a proxy) I'm not sure.

I HAD to flash it within the recovery Console or it simply updates the FW but remained E even if newer FW did update.

I'm sure later on you did not need go that far but as I obviously from that day onward was flashing a US FW with a updated US FW I cant really say for sure.

Edit, I just went to Creative USA and keep all choices to USA, and it gave me the "E" FW, seems a proxy is needed now.

You need this :

Creative ZEN Firmware 1.21.01
Filesize: 17.6MB Download Hide Details
Release date: 28 Feb 08
This download contains an improved version of the firmware found on your Creative ZEN™ player. It improves your player's playback performance of WMA (.wma) files. For more details, read the rest of this web release note.
Filename: ZEN_PCFW_L22_1_21_01.exe
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Yeah you have to change the firmware in recovery mode.

I can notice the difference a bit actually, its louder - but I can't remember by how much :P....suppose i need them side by side to tell properly.
Yeah you have to change the firmware in recovery mode.

I can notice the difference a bit actually, its louder - but I can't remember by how much :P....suppose i need them side by side to tell properly.

And I just found out Creative will not now let EU peeps grab the US FW, you need a Proxy.

Most peeps on the Fan Forums said on the ZV:M the EU 25 Vol was like 20 US Vol, I would tend to say that was accurate, the extra 5 Vol could at times be a tad loud for longterm use.
So do you have the exact steps to take to flash the ZEN. I have the same model but the 8GB version.

How to download using a proxy? How do I do this?
How do I flash the firmware?

Grab a free Trial of Hide ip NG, install it run it and get a USA Proxy (far easier than manually doing it)

Clear your cookies etc if you have been on Creatives sites, then Visit the site, not

Keep any menu options to USA if you are asked, look for the FW without a "e" at the end of it (I have posted its info above).

Put your DAP into Recovery Mode and flash the new US FW, if you try it the normal method it will update the FW but remain "e" Euro.

( I am not sure if you mean you do not know how to update the Firmware period ), get back to me on this.

Creative did not used to block us from the USA site.
I have a ZV:M but it will involve pressing a "Pin" in a "very small hole" in your DAP's case and holding your Power button to 1 side.

I think Conrad11 would be better for you as same DAP.

You do not normally need enter Recovery Mode to flash Firmware but to Crossflash you do.

Your info that came with it should tell you how to update the FW and enter Recovery Mode.
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Found out how to do it

Hold the play/pause button and turn on player, let go of the play/pause button when the ZEN logo shows.

Erase firmware then connect player to PC, Then run the update .exe file.


lol :)

no complaints then? i just got the 16gb version (100 quid) and it has loads of niggles that royally **** me off. :p

1) only functions as an MTP device. although i can drag/drop files in explorer, i can't use a proper sync application like robocopy (which works with drive letters).
2) even worse, you can't browse your music on the device by folder structure. criminal. luckily i'm quite anal about how well my files are tagged so i can still browse by album. but for people's whose collections aren't tagged well, god help them..... :p
3) resume is very important for me as i listen to lots of 2-3 hour mixes. this works fine when just powering off and then powering on again later. but if you connect to your pc when it's off, it loses it's place. none of my previous players did this.....
4) when seeking in a track, there is no sound so you have no idea how far you are into the track (looking at the screen isn't always convenient). my previous players at least skipped through the sound so with long sets, at least you had some idea when you've got to the bit you want.

i'm happy enough with the sound and screen quality and i'll probably keep it. i guess i'll get used to it's quirks. :p

And I just found out Creative will not now let EU peeps grab the US FW, you need a Proxy.

i didn't need to. just change the country preferences on the website and it downloads fine. before the flash it definitely showed an "e" in the system>information screen. now it's gone and it's a bit louder. :)
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i didn't need to. just change the country preferences on the website and it downloads fine. before the flash it definitely showed an "e" in the system>information screen. now it's gone and it's a bit louder. :)

On the day I typed the above help it would not let me complete a download of the Non EU Firmware, it kept linking to the "E" build (over 1 month ago).

Typing this now it does let me grab the non "E" build, so obv Creative have had a change of heart again, trying to get back some fans inc giving DD and DTS back to X-FI owners who run Vista.
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