Creative Zen 4GB or Sony NWZA816B 4GB

12 Jun 2005
Well I'm buying a new MP3 player next week to take on holiday and I have narrowed it down to these choices:

Creative Zen 4GB - £55 delivered.
Sony NWZA816B 4GB - £68 delivered.

I know the sony one is quite highly regarded on these forums, but I haven't read much about the ZEN. I am tempted by the zen over the sony for a few reasons:

1. Cheaper, the extra £13 can get me half a night a spoons :p
2. Has a SD card so i can add space when needed and considered SD cards are dirt cheap...
3. Has a larger 2.5" screen, i know its only half an inch...but it's the same size as the ipod classic screen which i have watched movies on before, so there will be no supprises when it comes to screen size.
4. Can play XVID, which means i don't have to re-encode my movies right - it will just scale down my current XVID encodes?

I know you will probably say "but the sony has better sound quality", whilst that is probably true, I am no audiophile and will be using my Creative EP-630 earphones with the mp3 player. I currently use a Creative Zen Stone which i am pretty happy with.

So - whilst you may think "you have already answered your own question", i was just wondering peoples thoughts and for current ZEN users - are you happy with it? any problems /things that annoy you?

I know you have an extra half an inch on creative. But is it really going to be an enjoyable experience viewing it on a screen that small? Never tried it myself, but something to think about.

Well I used to watch episodes of scrubs and other tv series which are in that aspect ratio on the ipod classic or ipod video which have the same size screen, so it is more than acceptable for me...

I think its creative for me then, unless someone has something damming against the player to :s
Doesn't the Zen have a messed up filing system? Something like not being able to easily access videos/music from the SD card.

I am aware of this - apparently they have/are going to release a new firmware to sort this out

I had a zen about 2 months ago, was absolutely fine until it gave up and wouldn't turn on a week later, got a replacement and then it happened again.

i love my sony and would never get another creative again.

To the OP, please please cancel your order and spend that extra £13 - its worth it. wait until i've ordered and i get some replies's already on its way so i cba to cancel now.

Oh well, you win some, you loose some.
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