Creative Zen Software

18 Oct 2002
I have a Creative Zen Jukebox from a few years ago now still going strong, but i cant stand the software that comes with it... does anyone know of any other software i could use with it? :confused:
Hi m8 - Windows Media Player, WinAmp and Media Monkey (which I prefer) will probably allow you to sync music etc to the device without using *any* of the proprietory Creative software.

First, check Creative's site for firmware updates for your device, and then look at the appropriate support pages for WMP etc to ensure that your device is supported by the software. As it's quite an old device (I have a clunky old Creative Zen Touch myself) it probably will be supported. My reason for preferring MM is that (once you get used to it, it's a bit complicated) it allows easy drag and drop of files - WMP is a bit more fiddly and Winamp has a really poor interface IMHO.

Good luck
thanks for the reply i use winamp to play my music at home so will have to look into it.

I just found the Creative Software to be poor, if you click on a folder to transfer and the music is in subfolders of that it wont upload it to the device. just little things like that and how it looks and how you edit files on it have made me hate the software and i refuse to install it again! :mad:
Creative release updated firmware for some of their players with playsforsure so you could use them like a drag and drop player, I know they did it for the jukebox extra and micro players.

Check which version of the jukebox you have and check here.
There is a Winamp plugin on their site to allow winamp to replace the media software for most popular players out there!... iPod/Zen etc...
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