Creative Zen Vision M

31 May 2005
Wondering if anyone here how has one of these ( Creative Zen Vision M) and can answer a couple of questions as I am looking at getting one to replace my zen Touch.

Can you leave bookmarks ? I listen to a lot of audio books, being able to do this would be very handy.

How long does the battery actually last for under real conditions?

And the big one, is it better than the equivalent IPod ?
I think you can bookmark yeah, can't 100% confirm this though (even so I have one, I haven't got it on me)

Battery lasted for ages with me listenting to music, and about 4 hours watching films, I recently went on holiday and watched for hours worth, the battery was nearly out at the end, but I did mix listening to music in with watch the films.

I think it's a lot better than the Ipod, I have owned both, sound quality is fantastic and so is the video playback.

I am selling mine as I don't use it enough. Only bought it for my 2 week hols!
I've found a review of it on a very popular dap reviews site but I can't post the url as it contains competitor links. It has a picture of a portion of the UI and it has 'Set Bookmark' on it.
ive JUST bought one and its charging now.#
iv had a little play with it and i can hands down say its the best thing ive ever held in my hand ( with the exception of my airbrush ;)

the quality of the video / puicture and sound is just stunning.

whats a bookmark ?
ill find out for you now
ive just been listeneing to a song. and licked menu and there is is ' set bookmark'

then i clicked back to main menu and under library theres the bookmarks,
so yes... question answered :D

zOMGGGGG BUY ONEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 1 1 one oneeee
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